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I Live In San Antonio, Tx

So after about a year my kids dad or should I say sperm donar wants to see his kids.. Tf after he gave up his rights 😒 No thanks me and your kids are doing perfectly fine without you 👌🏻
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fitguy18 · 26-30, M
@Carissimi idk he gave up his rights as soon as they were born and we took it to court so he can not see his kids even if he wanted to plus he even stated that he didn't want to be on their birth certificate
fitguy18 · 26-30, M
@batovn thanks and I will
Clairebare · 26-30, F
And people criticize me for not even telling the sperm donor he's a daddy... thank you for justifying my reason! 👍
Carissimi · F
If he is as young as you, then there is room for most of us do. However, you know him, so if you believe he is unfit to be in your children's lives, then you are doing the right thing. He would have to prove his motive, his maturity, and his sincerity before I would allow it, and that takes time.

You do what is right for you and your children because that's what matters most.
fitguy18 · 26-30, M
@moonlight right that's what I'm saying 😒
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
dont do it!!!! if he gave up his parental rights......then he has no more rights to see those kids then i do......if someday the KIDS wanna see him....thats their deal.....but i would just kinda write him outta the picture.....ESPECIALLY when you marry or develop a solid and lasting relationship
fitguy18 · 26-30, M
@batovn I'm not gonna let him .. If he wanted to see his kids he wouldn't have given up his rights he would've just paid child support etc. but he never believed in paying child support
firefall · 61-69, M
dont give way on this - that sort will use each opening as a way of prying things open further
Carissimi · F
Could he have matured and changed in the past year? Young people do grow up...eventually.
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
@sdeleon18 GOOD for you!!!! all that loser is gonna do is try to use the kids as leverage against you and probably show up just enough to hurt all of you. Stick to your guns my young friend!!!! youll be MUCH happier and so will the kids!!!1 best of luck to you!!!!!! Stay strong
Moonlight · 80-89, F
What an asshole! He made his choice, and its his fault and I think that he doesn't deserve to see them.

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