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I’d like your feedback

If you’ve ever interacted with me, I’d like to ask you what I’ve done right and what I’ve done wrong when speaking with people on here. It’s okay to speak your mind even if you’re worried about sounding mean. I don’t usually ask people’s opinions like this, but you could really help me out and I would appreciate it. Thank you. 🙂
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
You honestly haven't done anything wrong that I've seen. I think you interactive people pretty well
AnthroKenji · 36-40, M
Mmm idk if you’ve done things right or wrong w me particularly. I think your “doing” matches a parallel of my doing and that close match prompts to me respond. It’s to me not a binary but a relational thing.
@AnthroKenji Kind of like our interactions being based on related experiences was just that.
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@AnthroKenji That’s perfectly understandable.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Five stars would be my feedback. Just sometimes people living behind the keyboard and miles away don't comprehend the way we want them to be.

Besides, I find you respectful toward people, sometimes mean towards the meanders and comfortable to the people you tune well to.
I think you're awesome. I don't know what you mean by, "done wrong" because I see nothing but positive from you
@SW-User Thank you. 🥺

I think maybe something like refusing to answer DMs or maybe when I didn’t respond to everyone who’d taken their time to comment on things I’d said. Just a couple things I know were a wall that prevented more interaction. But in case someone spotted anything else I could have done differently that I haven’t realized yet, I think it could help me if it’s pointed out.
@SW-User I don't respond to DMs most of the time. Only those I am comfortable with.

I think you're awesome.
@SW-User Same. I think you’re really cool.
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Idk what youve done wrong i meannn all ive seen is you being super receptive and supportive
@TryingtoLava Thank you. 🥲
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
you always do things right besides when you react with sad emojis on my comments 😚
@MartinTheFirst *refrains from using sad emoji* 😂

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