I Can't Believe The American People Laid Down Like That
This Midterm Election Is Actually Exactly As I Thought It Would Be...... I know it hurt. How could any Americans let this happen, right??
The facts are that, that Pelosi person stopped Pres. Obama from prosecuting those responsible for the Lies about why we went to Iraq, worldwide torture, and illegal use of government funds in almost every area of the goverment during the Bush reign of terror. I am really glad to see her go, YAY!! YAY!!! YAY!! Because if he could have done that little piece of work the REP/GOP would not have felt so free to attack him. The Democrats should start doing some real CIA investigations into all REP/GOP funding of governors, city governments, etc. just like the REP/GOP does to them. You have to fight fire with fire.
Also the Health Care isuue should not have been about how much it would cost but rather why we have not nationalized healthcare in the first place . . .like all other major countries in the world have done.
This mid-term election is not the majority of the American Peoples' opinion. It is not the majority of the states' opinions. And this is not the way the majority of us in America acually feel either. Although the Republicans/GOP would like you to think so.
What is going to happen here is that the Republicans/GOP machine is going to do what they always do. Mess it up, tear it up, and throw it up from the floor up. They are going to make the same mistakes they did b/4 but in a two year period. They are not going to do anything different than they ever have.
TRUST ME on This! And, those foolish, mislead, pain loving souls that put them back in power will be so much more sorrier than we are at this time. Those Tea Party Folkes are going to be so sorry that they put those people back in power who actually did this woeful and sorry killing of American jobs, homes, and the American economy, that we are not going have enough buckets for the flood of tears to come from their whole pitiful guilt..
I am praying that they do just what they say they are going to do. If they do . . . the landside election in 2008 for the DEMCRATS will look like a hill of beans compared to the landslide for DEMOCRATS in 2012. What will happen to the Republican/GOP in 2012.?? When they get finished with the butt whipping they are going to put on the American people for the next two years . . . we won't have to worry about the Tea Sippers anymore. The Republican/GOP party will be put down for quite awhile unless they truly and fully embrace real change for the American people.
You have to remember that most of the people in our society love pain, love to be scared to death. They pray for pleasure but do know how to keep it once they get it. These people will keep going back for these doses of pain like junkies. And the Republican/GOP knows how to feed these junkies better than any batterer I have ever seen, read about or been told about. I know this because I have worked with this issue in our society for year after year with many a man, women, and child.
Right now it seems that we are in bad trouble. What does the Rep/GOP party plan to do? They going to do the same thing they did to Pres. Jimmy Carter. They will block, filbuster, and cause so much negative fallout for the American People that The DEMOCRATS will win the 2012 election by a world slide.
You know how a battered woman will go back to her husband/lover for more of the same treatment? That is all that just happened in this election. People who do not know when they are better off usually have go thru some more of that same pain b/4 they get it. But it still takes ahile for the need for pain subsides in them. But after these next two years of the REP/GOP whipping shack the pain lovers need will drop drastically.
Please do not lose your faith. This is when we who know better are going to have shore ourselves up and wait it out just like it was done in the first GODFATHER movie. Only the strong survive. Most people actually thrive under adversities. So reach down deep, gird thyself up and wait for the inevitable. OUUUUU I just cannot wait. But I will. I have seen this happen so many times b/4. Keep your faith, grow your inner strength, love everything in yourselves (good & bad), bend but do not break. Trouble does not last always. Get yourself ready for the tough fight ahead. Are you completely equipped???
Much Love, Many Blessings, and Boatloads of Peace,
The facts are that, that Pelosi person stopped Pres. Obama from prosecuting those responsible for the Lies about why we went to Iraq, worldwide torture, and illegal use of government funds in almost every area of the goverment during the Bush reign of terror. I am really glad to see her go, YAY!! YAY!!! YAY!! Because if he could have done that little piece of work the REP/GOP would not have felt so free to attack him. The Democrats should start doing some real CIA investigations into all REP/GOP funding of governors, city governments, etc. just like the REP/GOP does to them. You have to fight fire with fire.
Also the Health Care isuue should not have been about how much it would cost but rather why we have not nationalized healthcare in the first place . . .like all other major countries in the world have done.
This mid-term election is not the majority of the American Peoples' opinion. It is not the majority of the states' opinions. And this is not the way the majority of us in America acually feel either. Although the Republicans/GOP would like you to think so.
What is going to happen here is that the Republicans/GOP machine is going to do what they always do. Mess it up, tear it up, and throw it up from the floor up. They are going to make the same mistakes they did b/4 but in a two year period. They are not going to do anything different than they ever have.
TRUST ME on This! And, those foolish, mislead, pain loving souls that put them back in power will be so much more sorrier than we are at this time. Those Tea Party Folkes are going to be so sorry that they put those people back in power who actually did this woeful and sorry killing of American jobs, homes, and the American economy, that we are not going have enough buckets for the flood of tears to come from their whole pitiful guilt..
I am praying that they do just what they say they are going to do. If they do . . . the landside election in 2008 for the DEMCRATS will look like a hill of beans compared to the landslide for DEMOCRATS in 2012. What will happen to the Republican/GOP in 2012.?? When they get finished with the butt whipping they are going to put on the American people for the next two years . . . we won't have to worry about the Tea Sippers anymore. The Republican/GOP party will be put down for quite awhile unless they truly and fully embrace real change for the American people.
You have to remember that most of the people in our society love pain, love to be scared to death. They pray for pleasure but do know how to keep it once they get it. These people will keep going back for these doses of pain like junkies. And the Republican/GOP knows how to feed these junkies better than any batterer I have ever seen, read about or been told about. I know this because I have worked with this issue in our society for year after year with many a man, women, and child.
Right now it seems that we are in bad trouble. What does the Rep/GOP party plan to do? They going to do the same thing they did to Pres. Jimmy Carter. They will block, filbuster, and cause so much negative fallout for the American People that The DEMOCRATS will win the 2012 election by a world slide.
You know how a battered woman will go back to her husband/lover for more of the same treatment? That is all that just happened in this election. People who do not know when they are better off usually have go thru some more of that same pain b/4 they get it. But it still takes ahile for the need for pain subsides in them. But after these next two years of the REP/GOP whipping shack the pain lovers need will drop drastically.
Please do not lose your faith. This is when we who know better are going to have shore ourselves up and wait it out just like it was done in the first GODFATHER movie. Only the strong survive. Most people actually thrive under adversities. So reach down deep, gird thyself up and wait for the inevitable. OUUUUU I just cannot wait. But I will. I have seen this happen so many times b/4. Keep your faith, grow your inner strength, love everything in yourselves (good & bad), bend but do not break. Trouble does not last always. Get yourself ready for the tough fight ahead. Are you completely equipped???
Much Love, Many Blessings, and Boatloads of Peace,