I Delete Or Erase a Lot of Things I WriteI am a Deleter ... and I’m sure some of you do not appreciate this. But ... I do Delete some of my posts and some comments. ..I have always done so and I believe I always will. It’s the Wine verses Coffee .... and in the morning coffee always... See More »
I Delete Or Erase a Lot of Things I Writei type experiences, post them, get second thoughts a few seconds later and then delete. i should think more before i post things that i might not want online. what to share and what not to share in public. maybe i am just paranoid or overthinking
I Delete Or Erase a Lot of Things I WriteToo Much Erasing.... i've always second guessed my thoughts and my writing. What if it isn't good? What will people think? I've always been this way, even drawing i'd have a huge pile of eraser shaving next to me.lol. I guess i... See More »