I Can't Stand My Family
God, I so want my brother to move out of my house or for my partner and me to move. He is the worst roommate ever. I am getting tired of him never cleaning and getting mad when you tell him he never cleans. Its a paradox. I don't know what to do about it. I am now starting to take away things from him. Like he can't use our dishes, because he never cleans his own. He rips my bf off, because my bf is a pushover. He gets payed to clean the house for him, only 60 dollars a month. That's less than 6hrs of work. My partner is just too stupid to get it or he dosen't care. My brother is a slob. He has thrashed his room and gets mad when I point out the mold in his room. And that he should clean it he acts like it's no big deal. I just got to get him out.