I like hazel eyes the best.
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@Mariocrespo8546: Same.
Mariocrespo8546 · 31-35, M
@Americana: nice. Well do consider hazel eyes & green same color?
@Mariocrespo8546: Not really. I think green is a more uniform color than hazel is. They're similar, though.
Sharon4now · M
are you related to Josef Mengele?
Mariocrespo8546 · 31-35, M
I don't think so

Get a blue eyed partner and draw a Punnett square with her
Mariocrespo8546 · 31-35, M
So if I have kids with blue eyed girl. I will have chance. Because I don't know if I have family members with blue eyes. Clearly I have brown eyes

Here, use this smh

Mariocrespo8546 · 31-35, M
@QueenOfQuirk: my dad has hazel eyes & my mom has brown eyes