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I Have Blue Eyes

So i posted a pic in here the other day and someone asked if my eyes were REALLY as blue as the pic showed.

Well here's another, with added massively OTT eyebrows! 😂😂

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O.k, I just made my way up to your eyes ( I was fixated on your beautiful necklace), and yes, they are blue as blue can be. ;)
@MaryJo1996 I will do better from now on, I promise, but your hair really does catch the eye , as does that beautiful necklace. Is it a locket or just a charm?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Yes but we both know you were talking about my boobs.

And it's a charm.
@MaryJo1996 When I check out people's pics, I try to look at the big picture, rather than focus on just one or two things, and so yes...of course I would have noticed your "assets", but not just one or two....but rather all of them. Honest!
You're using a blue filter tho
JimboUk · 31-35, M
@MaryJo1996 Your lucky day, how can a man have two different coloured eyes FFS lol
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@JimboUk Ask David Bowie.
JimboUk · 31-35, M
@MaryJo1996 he's dead 😐
Ya know what I see?
@MaryJo1996 you know Mary, we're all human too. We all like to have fun
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Mistakesmakeus I cant even read your profile, so i just dont care.
@MaryJo1996 so you'll just repeat your words like a true "adult"?
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Yup...pretty cute!
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MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Livingwell Like i said, over here you would never compliment an adult by calling them "cute".

I'm not having a go at you for being nice...that's incredibly sweet. But i'm also not going to sit here and pretend i like being called "cute".
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Try being raped when youre 14 and see how lovely you are inside.

Do not fucking judge when you dont know the first thing about what i have been through and why i might not be the sweetest, kindest person going.
river52 · 70-79, M
the entire "package" is beautiful.
happilymarriedguy · 61-69, M
A spectacular picture of a beautiful woman
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
Your eyes are like a clear crystal blue ... I love them 💋🌹
Just breathtaking MaryJo!!!
JimboUk · 31-35, M
I believed you the first time
hertoy · 70-79, M
WOW! Beautiful lady!!!
drc523 · 31-35, F
Beautiful blue eyes.
Pdad49 · M
You are so cute!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Very cute ;)
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
Me, too, only mine are a tad darker.
When I was little, I had blond hair which matched my blue eyes beautifully.
The problem I have is that I am sensitive to light. Do you have that problem? Your eyes are lovely.
Love your hair
chelseabi · 22-25, F
lovely blue eyes they draw you in x
Do u always make the ducky face when u take selfies?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@silentkillx2 Not always no.
JimboUk · 31-35, M
@silentkillx2 😂🤣
ArtieKat · M
Oh Mary! You'd fit in well here in Liverpool :-) xx
You have eye's?
@MaryJo1996 Maybe a lot of effort?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Youcallmesir Sometimes yes. Why go half-arsed at things?
@MaryJo1996 Indeed, half measures are rarely worthwhile.
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Gorgeous eyes and a stunning are stunning
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@braveheart21 The cleavage isn't exactly relevant. Lol
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Maybe not but its not exactly ermm..hiding lol it lol @MaryJo1996
Celtic thing, I'd say!

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