I Like Horror StoriesI love listening to horror stories on YouTube. Sure a lot of them are cheesy or laughable, but some can be truly disturbing or even just down right morbid.
I Like Horror StoriesDo you read horror stories on Reddit, or listen to them on YouTube? I can't get enough. I've even written a few.
I Like Horror Storieseven though they scare the shit out of me n compel me 2 sleep in corners even in the heat, just to b safe frm the monsters ..even though they cause insomnia for a long period of time.. :P i luv em
I Like Horror StoriesI listened to a story last night about an encounter with a skinwalker during a camping trip in New Mexico. I can only imagine how terrifying that would be. The story was very well written. I felt like I was there.
I Like Horror StoriesI can watch pretty much any horror movie and not be scared from it yet as I'm watching this YouTube channel (mr nightmare) I'm now pretty creeped out.. Anything to do with real events that actually happened (not like every horror that claims it did)... See More »
I Like Horror StoriesI don't know why but I LOVE horror movies and stories. Lovecraft and Japanese films most of all. I prefer slow, psychological stuff versus jump scares so things like Ju On and Audition are favorites.