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I Am Blessed Beyond Measure

This is a follow up to the last post I made this morning. I said I was going to offer you solutions and that's to be true in here! So I hope you will take the time to read all of this and of course spread the wisdom I imparted on you abundantly! :)

Who is ArmyOfOne? Why would she know the answers?

Alright, I get that I am just some stranger off the internet. Why would I even be qualified to talk about this? WHO are you?

I'm a twenty-two year old college student living in the U.S.. You wouldn't think I'm much of a big deal. You wouldn't even give a second thought if you saw me on the streets. Yet, I am alot of things that no one would ever know if I didn't tell you:

I am abused.
I am molested.
I am raped.
I am broken.
I am betrayed.
I am sadness.
I am anger.
I am mental.
I am suicidal.
I am burdened.

For at least ten years of my life I have suffered day by day from all of these things. I was traumatized so bad I couldn't function. I'd talk to people about it, tried to hold jobs, tried to express it through the arts, and my brother even tried to apply modern day psychology to it. Nothing worked.

All of those things were just like putting bandaids on a gash two inches deep. My pain bled through and I was getting worse. If I never had a pivotal moment in my life I wouldn't be here to address this. Read closely because I have messages to share with you!

Why do we suffer in the first place?!

This is an age old question. Everyone and their mother has asked this at least once in their lifetime! It doesn't matter your demographics, backgrounds, race, religion, ect... EVERYONE has asked this before and nothing but crickets in a choir. However, I pondered this question myself very many times, it finally revealed itself to me. Ready for it? ;)



Let me explain.

We don't really think of creation as an active force in our lives! We already exist, we're already created, how can that be? Well, think of a baby as a ball of clay. Just a ball of clay. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, in the hands of Sorrow and Suffering, they take that ball and turn it into someone new. Someone upstanding and virtuous. But, anyone that sculpts clay knows that it's a long and intricate process! Creation is a process.

Unfortunately, this is a Burger King society where you HAVE to have everything figured out, resolved, you know who you are, sunshine and rainbows, ect... when Life doesn't work that way. So we see people in such distress with failing expectations, including myself, to the point they just want to off themselves or run away from their problems. Yet, it's those very sorrows and sufferings that make us more perfect. Sure, you have scars (which I will tend to later) but on the other hand your spirit is filled with an endless capacity for love, endurance, patience and self-dicipline.

See how that works? :)

Where can we go from here then? The thorns hurt!

Whatever your thorn is (anger, sadness, anxiety, mental illnesses, trauma) there is a way of dealing with it til it is conquered. It may take a week, years or a lifetime, but like everything in life it's a process. I will provide you with the solutions. Practice them vigorously when needed, day by day if you must, and your oppression will slowly fade away. You will be freed, and if you find yourself falling victim to it again, you will have the ability to take that thorn out and chuck it!


1. Forgiveness/Acceptance: This is always the first step for anything and everything! I will write further on this explaining its true meaning in my next post.

2. Joy/ Gratitude: You might as well call this a "detoxifyer of sadness and depression." It takes practice and mental agility to steer your mind away from any spiralling negativity, but it's doable.

3. Reality Checks/breaking your spells: Have you ever looked in your own reflection in disgust? Has your own conscience damned you with cursing and internal hatred? Does it plague your mind with fear? Oh, good, I'm not the only one.

4. Service/love: I'm not talking about the military--not the earthy one anyways. We are fighting a war internally so we need to act like brothers in arms and give aid when we can!

5. Hope/patience: This one will be the last post I'll write for you but it is of the most important topics to mention! EVERYONE struggles with this so I will save the best for last.

I've decided to make this a series because I assume you'd want some quick reads. Otherwise, this post would be inhumanely long! I hope you will continue to be open-minded and take my experiences as your own. My sufferings have been eased in
adequate comfort so yours can too! 😁

With love, ArmyOfOne
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lovingdead · 31-35, M
well done, lately i've wanted to write something to this effect but as that grows so does my path grow thick with thorns and not a rose in sight. i liked reading this and look forward to more.

you have had your fair share of troubles, and i hope you (along with everyone else) knows, that it takes AMAZING strength to carry on the fight, to survive. you people are beautiful.