I Absolutely Love to Read
I'm what they call a "chain-reader" .. Usually when I chain-read, it's a sign that I'm not feeling good. Reading to me is like alcohol to others.
When I have a long tiring day, I read few chapters, like a glass of wine at the end of day
When I feel something is wrong and I don't want to face whatever bothering me, I chain-read .. I start reading non stop, I finish a book, I start another immediately. I don't stop reading until I feel numb and drowned and lost in my own world, sort of like drinking shots ..
Last week, I've been chain-reading, and I can't stop. And I think I need rehab
When I have a long tiring day, I read few chapters, like a glass of wine at the end of day
When I feel something is wrong and I don't want to face whatever bothering me, I chain-read .. I start reading non stop, I finish a book, I start another immediately. I don't stop reading until I feel numb and drowned and lost in my own world, sort of like drinking shots ..
Last week, I've been chain-reading, and I can't stop. And I think I need rehab