yvan6615 · 80-89, M
Codrin, I was growing up in very religious and traditional catholic family where switching from short trousers to longs made up a rite de passage from the infancy to adulthood like the driver's licence for a German or an American boy.I was also educated in a private classical college run by a community of religious priests where students from the 6e to 3e (12 years old to 15 years were held to wear a uniform consisting of short trousers, white shirt,necktie, and knee stockings.But for the students from the 2e to Terminale(16-19 years old, students could wear long trousers. As I was of little stature for my age and looked like three or for years younger than my age, my parents have decided that I would remain in short trousers for the next school year in 2e. They have decided that I was not mature enough, too childish, not adult enough to don long trousers. The problem is that in September in 2e there were only three of us still in short trousers! I became an undisciplined and unruly student and made a regression,I think,to the infancy. As I was send many times to the Prefect of Discipline's Office, I was given first detentions and then the leather strap on both hands to straighten me. Finally at he end of his tethers, after an ultimate detention, he turned me over on his lap,yanked down my short pants and skivvies and gave me a hard and sound trashing on my bare bottom. I was turning 19 years old!
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yvan6615 · 80-89, M
You are so right Codrin I read a lot of your postings and was in agreement with you on about every topic. Concerning the slapped legs, I am sorry to tell you that some boys in New-Zeeland and South Africa have still their legs slapped by their parents while in short trousers. One of my correspondents from New-Zeeland wrote me: My father slaps my legs when I am in short trousers. It's very painful and I always cry and wail. Another correspondent from South Africa continues.Daddy would make me stand on a chair and raise the legs of my shorts in turn and apply strongly a leather strap making the back of my thighs very red and sore This guy is 18 years old. After 18, he was sometimes punished this way and this continued until he left home. Personally, living at home, I was liable to corporal punishments up to 22 and at times I felt so vulnerable when I was wearing my very hot summer shorts. When I sat down in them, they were practically up to my backside.It was just as easy and convenient for my parents with all this bare skin available for slapping or strapping. I knew that my parents were aware of this too . So long...
jimjim1969 · M
Love short shorts
nice love too see short shorts on lads