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curmudgeon1968 · 51-55, M
too many people don't even realize that men used to only wear long pants when they got old and settled enough to head their own households. That was also when they changed from being called master to Mister
Masterdee · 70-79, M
@Codrin: And now?
Codrin · M
Now what? 🤔
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@Codrin @Codrin Good

Timothy · 51-55, M

Perhaps your parents keep you in short trousers because they do not believe that even at 19 (which you must be by now) you are not mature enough yet to be allowed more adult clothes. Age is not necessarily an indication of maturity and a boy of 18 or 19 can still be very childish and should therefore be dressed accordingly. Also, even though you are now old enough to be legally an adult you must continue to obey your parents if still living at home.

I was brought up in the in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s and was kept dressed in short trousers by my parents until I was 21. I wore the standard grey school shorts as part of my school uniform at Preparatory school until I was almost 14. I was then due to go to the upper school and into long trousers but because I had learning difficulties and had failed the Common Entrance my parents sent to me to a small special school for backward boys where the Headmaster was willing to allow my parents to keep me in short trousers as they were strongly opposed to my wearing longs.

I remained in grey shorts at all times until I left the school at 19 and then spent a further two year in home tuition continuing to wear my school uniform and short trousers for lessons and at all other times. Being small I looked younger than my age so I could still appear in public in school uniform although in the last year or so I occasionally received a few looks.
JustWilliam · 70-79, M
@Timothy My brothers and one sister are quite prim and proper, but I am quite rebellious. I am aged 72 years but small in stature ( 5'6"). Though I dress in adult attire (depending on season or weather conditions) in their company I have to secretly keep it from them that I like to wear short trousers with braces over my pullover in the privacy of my home. I have one friend who knows about my secret double life and he comes to see me in my school short trousers and braces, then he wanks me with one hand and the other on my bare thigh. I want him to slap my thighs and make me cry..
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@JustWilliam That is quite a double life.
Pezza · 61-69, M
@JustWilliam Im 66 and like to dress in grey 'school' shorts, white shirt and tie, knee socks and braces. I also like having my legs slapped. I'm married so have to do this when i know my wife is going to be out for some hours.
Naughtyboyneeds · 51-55, M
Hi I to was kept in short school trousers until I left home at the age of 23.
And yes I did have my legs smacked with use of Hand,a wooden Ruler and Wooden spoon,smacked bottom was done over the knee or placed across arm if sofa,my punishments at times were justified and by being kept in short trousers did make me behave myself
Naughtyboyneeds · 51-55, M
Yes I did fake being asleep as it is boring going to bed at that hour and even earlier if I had misbehaved more so this time of year were the nights are still light
bruno · 70-79, M
@Naughtyboyneeds Have to leave for now. Thanks for your messages. I am interested in this unusual upbringing. May be we could continue chatting privately.
Naughtyboyneeds · 51-55, M
Yes pm me and I would like to chat more
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
They make me the little boy my dad says I am. I'm not allowed board or cargo shorts. To sum up I am dressed like an traditional English schoolboy at all times
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Wow, Codrin and Forevershorts. Thank you for your responses. I don't have a single pair of long trousers. I have a wardrobe full of proper school short trousers. Some with 2"inside leg, but none more than 5". When I am out with my parents people clearly think I am younger than my years. I actually live near the sea and it is NOT unusual to see boys in shorts all year. But, I am being forced to wear them as a means of discipline. I suppose to me shorts represent as much about my upbringing as do the other rules I have to obey. My dad keeps telling me off for going on about wearing shorts, when I know damn well the answer. I would leave home but there are reasons why I am unable to, which I cannot discuss ATM. So my disciplined life will continue until I reach 21 at least
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@Lawrence18 Stop whining or your mother can hem them to a inch inch inseam
Masterdee · 70-79, M
I also had to wear short trousers until leaving home at 21. I was allowed to wear long trousers to go out after 16 years of age but was subject to other rules -
having to be home by nine pm, carry out household chores and make refreshments
for my parents whenever I was told to. Until 18 years of age, I was also subjected to corporal punishment. A leather belt, hanging on the back of my bedroom door ensured my obedience. Lawrence - You say you 'have to wear short trousers'. What happens, or would happen, if you refused?
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Masterdee · 70-79, M
I think it was more than the 'occasional smacked bottom'. Sometimes it was deserved, I'm sure. But not to the extent that I received punishments. Some of my parents' rules were very difficult to keep, I think.
laotzu92 · 70-79, M
@Masterdee Would You consider sharing the further punishment in private chat? (Respectfully requested.)
Agreed that the key problem is that he is being forced to wear shorts (which is in contrast to most of us, who are "forced" not to wear shorts, at least not as much as we wish). I think the lack of opportunity of choice would create discontent and hard feeling.

But no matter he loves shorts or not, he would still be embarrassed. One of the hurdles of us, grown-up shorts wearers, is still the embarrassment. But for us, we would have enough mental strength to fight against the feeling gradually, why Lawrence is still developing his mental strength through his life experience. Also, the embarrassment is also a source of the excitement that we would experience during our shorts wearing, while wearing shorts are just normal stuff for Lawrence and he will not really find that exciting.

Wearing shorts at -10 C is tough. I have tried wearing athletic shorts for workout at -9 C during December in Seoul (Korea), it is still do-able. But of course, doing workout is different from simply walking, as simply walking and standing in the winter breeze would feel much colder. Also, Lawrence is wearing that all day long while I only wore that once for 2 hr max.
strictdad · 61-69, M
I think that is a jolly good idea. I hope you get bare bottom spankings too.
laotzu92 · 70-79, M
@strictdad Excellent observation.
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@strictdad I cannot agree more
Strictmother · 46-50, F
I am sure you look like a boy under strict rules, Probably having to hold your mothers hand and saying "Yes Mummy" when out shopping
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
I have one pair of school long trousers. I wear smart school shorts at all other times
@Lawrence18 hello I use to have to wear shorts till I was about 10
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Yes but you have a choice. I bet you don't wear the grey school type I wear
gigilo · 26-30, M
That sounds like too much control by your parents; you should be allowed to chose your own friends (as long as they aren't drunks or criminals or so).
But I guess they just want the best for you, and try to avoid you getting into trouble. But at the long run you must live your own life of course, and then you'll surely do stupid things sometimes like anybody else.
gigilo · 26-30, M
Maybe your parents treat you as a little boy because they are afraid to see you leave their house when you're old enough.
My mom loves the feeling of being a mother to me, she wants me to live at home for a long time I think. My bro already left home, mom doesn't want to see her nest becoming empty...
Codrin · M
Cool.:) You must be happy. Why wearing short trousers would it be a problem? If you were accustomed to wear them in the winter, so much the better. If I was younger, I would wear short trousers all the time as well. Many guys here wear shirts even in the colder months.
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
You may be interested to know I am wearing flannel shorts, grey shirt, tie and socks. I'm pretty sure I'm in trouble for something because I could hear my dad mentioning my name in the same breath as 'when will that boy learn'
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
There is an element of truth in that but also they don't want me exposed to all the bad things that go on like drugs, drinking, smoking and sex. All my friends are selected for me and are younger than me.
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Why does your son have to be in bed at 9 during week and between 6-7 at weekends?
My mum will slap my legs but nothing like my dad does. I maybe 18 but I don't feel like it. Academically I am thick. Physically I don't look 18 in any aspect. I try and be a good boy but its not good enough for my dad and the consequences are always painful. If my dad were to come up to my room now and see me on this laptop he would go ballistic and my backside would be burnt toast. He'd soon have my diapers, plastic pants and shortie bottoms off.
bruno · 70-79, M
Dear Lawrence.
I understand the short trousers and the exceptionally early bedtime imposed to keep you as a little boy.
But why nappies and plastic pants ? Do you still wet the bed or is it a way of keeping you in early childhood ?
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Being rebellious only gets me spanked even more. What sort of shorts do you wear? I bet you don't wear the school variety.
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@Strictmother You certainly live up to your name.
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@Shortsman Why wouldn't he?
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Hey, you talk a lot of sense but my parents have made it clear that my life will be controlled until I am at least 21
Codrin · M

Lawrence's trouble is that he is FORCED do wear shorts. If he said to himself that he LIKES to wear them, he would not be so embarrassed. I guess that many of us would want to wear short trousers all the time but the social conventions do not permit it. As I live in the East of Europe, I know that sometimes the winters are very bitter, with low temperatures. Maybe at -3 dg. to wear short trousers is possible for a guy, but under -10 degrees I doubt it is possible.
winston · 80-89, M
Pants should be so short and tight trhat your butt cheeks show completely!
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@winston I agree
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Do you think so? I'm not so sure. Rules are rules but they seem to get stricter and stricter. My parents are looking to employ a tutor. But, he will be much more than that. More like a Housemaster from a private school. I'm certainly not looking forward to that. They have seen several tutors but so far none have been right,
If I am naughty I accept punishment. Its all the other restrictions I have a problem with which gets me into trouble
steven2109 · 70-79, M
No it doesn't. I have actually left state school now. But, my parents want me to be tutored at home until I'm 21. However, this tutor will by all accounts be much more than a tutor. In the old days I believe they were called Governors. I believe my parents are looking for someone who has similar views to them and can also bring a big element of traditionaql private schooling into my life. They want to find someone within the next few weeks. I'm dreading it.
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M

Wow, I'm supposed to be in bed by 6,30 during the week, 7.00 latest Saturday and 6 on sundays. Truth is my bedtime can be any time. All I really know is that 7.30pm is considered veery late! I have a laptop and my father thinks he has set Parental controls so I can only use it between certain hours. He doesn't know what hes doing thankfully.... Mum brought my pyjamas up earlier. I was reading a book lol with my laptop hidden.
Strictmother · 46-50, F
I want the shorts to be shot enough so the signs of a recent spanking can easily be seen if he is not careful.
Codrin · M

I cannot go against the stream :) If they felt OK, I am ok as well.
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
I have a vision of early morning runs. My parents are busily trying to win an overseas contract in South Africa, which would mean them going out there without me. Hence the tutor. Ideally they would like a military type. It is possible that my 'picked' friends may join me in class. I have so many visions of the tutor wielding the cane and using it effectively. There is not much point in speculating. My fate is sealed.
Strictmother · 46-50, F
As you should young man. I hope the shorts they have for are short and tight.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
I never had bio kids myself, but I helped raise or co-parent 12 nieces and nephews over the past 26 years. Six girls, six boys. They are all grown now. We all live/lived within 10 minutes of each other and the kids were always at my house. They all stayed with me when their parents went out of town, or they wanted them out of the house. They gave me permission to discipline their kids as they did and they insisted on it.
Codrin · M
@ lawrence

Sometimes I liked to walk bare feet on the snow, ad it was ok. I was just in shorts, but I do not know how many degrees under zero were then. Maybe, for my, wearing shorts could be a source of excitement, for in my youth times it was not permitted. Nowadays, at least in Europe, is something very usual for men to expose us much as possible their bodies. Times changed :)
Codrin · M
I think that for a late teen, corporal punishments should not teach what TO DO or NOT TO DO, because at such an age he knows well the rules. Therefore, the goal is only to impose a punishment (inflicting pain) for what he ALREADY did, knowing that he would not have had to do. At such an age I was very conscious about my mistakes and knew well that I had to suffer the consequences.
Codrin: Totally agreed.

Lawrence: Yes, shorts make one smart!
Yes I have one of school variety - I bought a pair of long trousers (navy blue dress pants) and cut that to 2.5 - 3" inseams. It is now 12.5 cm above knees. Of course, I also alter a pair of grey cargo shorts (now about 13 cm above knees), and I have bought a pair of cotton shorts (with dress pants styled pockets) also.
gigilo · 26-30, M
Oh, not so often luckily. I don't count it by week, but by year. I guess I am a lucky boy.
It depends what you mean by private: it is done at home, but anyone who is there may see it. Like my mother's friend, who entered the kitchen when mom was spanking me there.
They never did it outside or in a shop or so.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
It sounds like your parents love you very much and are trying to protect you from the world, but they may be over-reacting. It is best to have balance in all things. You wrote "If I am naughty I accept punishment." What kind of punishments are you given? Spanking, caning? Who administers these?
Codrin · M

I disagree with you. I was a little surprised when my employees began to come at work in shorts and I intended to forbid it to them. Then I acomodate to the idea and accepted it in the hot days. Nothing indecent if the character of the job permits it.
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
My father is the only one who administers any punishment on me. I get OTK bottom and leg hand spanking, cane (which I absolutely hate) belt, slipper and tawse. The most frequent punishment is having back of my thighs slapped.
Codrin · M
Khaki is nice and it matches well with a pale or a tanned skin alike. I use to wear khaki shorts even at my age during the summer or when I travel in warmer countries. I guess you can offer to others a pleasant view on your bare legs in khaki shorts :)
Codrin · M
I understand. My mates got it also at 20 or even later but restrained from crying. However, tears and pleading are the signs that a whipping surely reached its goal. I am afraid my mother was not a so strict disciplinarian like you.
Strictmother · 46-50, F
I am sure they don't
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
How do you mean? If you are referring to a tutor then I have no say at all. If you mean my envy then I envy your freedom. I am resigned to not getting the freedoms boys of my age get until I reach 21 at least. I hope PE doesn't become a part of my tutoring. I hate it LOL.
Codrin · M

The tawse is not so common in my country. I suppose a two-tail one is horrible. It should hurt much more than a leather belt (which I got many times in my childhood and teen years). How old is your son?
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Good news - we are no longer going shopping. my dad is going on his own. Mum is busy cooking, which could mean parents are expecting visitors and an early bedtime for me. Damn! I think I will try and escape! But where do I go??
bruno · 70-79, M
Hi. This boy should be 21 now... Is he still in short trousers, nappies at night, submitted to spankings, homeschooled ?
laotzu92 · 70-79, M
@bruno It would be good to have a follow up from the poster.
bruno · 70-79, M
I do agree...
Strictmother · 46-50, F
@bruno @bruno He should be
@Cordin You are really nice to your subordinates... although I do not have a direct boss, the culture does not allow any male staffer to go to work in shorts (or at least not short shorts). I hope I can enjoy the same.
Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
Well Strictmother - I really think you are a fair mum. But would you be so kind as to answer the questions I have asked. I am actually going to get myself into bed. I don't want to push my luck and it is late. For me at least!!
gigilo · 26-30, M
I was referring to your tutor.
Maybe he'll be a nice chap when you get to know him. You don't like PE? I understand when you are the only kid in class it's difficult to play soccer or any other team sport...
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Lawrence18 · 26-30, M
No chance of me owning up to misbehaving. Why is it that adults seem to miss questions that have been asked? I hate Sundays, Have to wear Sunday best...ugghhhhh.

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