strictshorts · 61-69, M
My other semi formal short trousers were my corduroy shorts. These were really comfortable to wear. Indeed were warm in the winter, at least the small bit of leg that they covered. Also they were good when I went out cycling.
It's really nice that you were able to appreciate the beauty of shorts at such an early time, when you could still wear shorts in a good looking manner. It was a pity that I was only able to appreciate the shorts after 30s.
strictshorts · 61-69, M
@deletedsy Hi I think it was quite early. I can remember to this day how disappointing it was that I had to wear long trousers with my school uniform at secondary school from the age of 11. I was not one of those boys that thought wearing long trousers made me grown up, it was just far more comfortable wearing shorts. I made up for it by wearing shorts all the time at home. I still hate having fabric covering my legs including my thighs. Though I have to at work.
newbie · 31-35, F
sure why not?