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Do not settle

Being with the wrong person can really ruin your life. Pick wisely, go with your head not your heart.

My sister is a prime example of this, like many young dumb 19 year old girls, she fell quickly for a boy to fulfil her emotional desperation and feed her constant need for male approval. You're young, you fall for an image and not the person, you don't know yourself, perhaps you don't even know what it means to be in love, that is probably why she was blinded and misunderstood red flags and toxicity for a cheap love that was just enough to keep her involved.

She is my baby sister and my world, I wanted to protect her from every ounce of harm in the world, tell her the troubles I had so she doesn't have to have the same scars as me, but no matter how much we love someone, we can't protect them always because at the end of the day they will make their own decisions, and eventually learn on their own. I dismissed her childish relationship as my parents did to, fully convinced it would end and she'd move on to find Prince Charming some day.

That's when I learnt that even insignificant things in life can have SIGNIFICANT consequences. Never dismiss something alarming because life changes at the speed of life. An accidental pregnancy lead my sister to a forced marriage and years of pain and regrets. We loved that child with all our hearts, but my sister must see her abuser for the rest of her life, despite her marriage ending.
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morrgin · F
Who forced her to get married?
writingforlife6 · 26-30, F
@morrgin The 2 families, it was wrong but at the time she didn't have a choice. She had no money and no where to go and it was the only way she would have support.She did want to get married but its like she was manipulated to believe it was best for her.
SolGryn · 31-35, M
You are right. Powerful words

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