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I Skip School Sometimes

I can't be bothered to go school tomorrow so I'm gonna go on a ride instead :D
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Eww no I'd never want to be you! I need 9 for my room and doing stuff for me and brushing my hair and picking up stuff I dropped. It's pretty great
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Probably cuz youre older my sister's 16 and she gts in trouble and punished and stuff. Especially if I lie to mummy that she did something to me. Once I said she hit me and she got everything taken away from her and locked in her room for 2 hours. I was laughing at her the whole time. And when I'm mean to her and she tells mummy doesn't care. I'm obviously the favourite
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Well I sometimes do but once I had and iPad and a new one came out the day after I got my one si when I asked for a new one they said I should wait for a week or two. I shouted at them and got my way may but it's annoying to have to fight for everything I have
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Then we have the same sister haha! Fights with my sister and then she running to my parents is one reason. Then swearing, bad grades (math :( ) , lying, coming home late, not doing chores. They usually beat me on the weekend for everything I did during the week.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Yes that's what happens if I shout at them. Or even if they say I am disrespectful. Like once I complained to mother that they are much stricter with me than my sister and she gave me the belt for it.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
My parents let me say whatever I want. And I don't work at all in classes. And I don't have to lie cuz I don't get in trouble :D and I come home whenever I want. And I have maids to do chores for me. Our lives are very different lol XD
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I hate her cuz she ruined my life but she tries not to hate me. She doesn't want to make mummy and daddy more sad than they already are cuz they're getting divorced and stuff
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
No. But megan hates being punished cuz she really wants to make mummy and daddy proud and stuff so when she's "mean to me" she acts more depressed than she already is lol XD
erik2000 · 22-25, M
How are your parents strict then?
My family is not poor, I never said that. But not very rich too. And I got used to the beatings in some way. Except when I get a hard caning like last weekend.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I could really not bear being you. Having to be poor, do chores, have a cheap phone. And get punished! You're right when you say they're pretty strict! My parents can be strict sometimes
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I don't think that it is good to let a child do anything he wants. But I also think that my parents are too strict.
You have maids? wow How many? Have you ever got a spanking?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Wow!!!!! Your mom must be really cool!!!!
I only skipped school once and got caught and my parents beat me really hard with the belt. Not all parents are the same haha.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
They beat you? If mummy and daddy did that to me I'd make them sorry. Why don't you cry and scream and make them feel bad? It always works for me when my parents are mean
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I always cry when they beat me, and when I get the cane I even scream but for them that is part of the punishment. They are very old-fashioned and believe that I need regular punishments.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Spanking?! Never. Don't get told off either :). I have 9 maids. Megan doesn't want any. Mummy and daddy have 4 and there's another 2 to do tge rest of the house.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
What can you do with 9 maids?
I'd change with you for a month let's say! I never survived 2 weeks without a belt or cane beating.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Why do they beat you? For smashing a window? Or annoying your sibling? That's what my sister thinks I should get in trouble for :D
erik2000 · 22-25, M
So even if you are so rich, you never get what you want. My parents give me what I want if it is something normal.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Of course they don't I shout at them all the time! You don't understand cuz you'll get hit if you shout at them
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
They always disagree with me and get upset when I shout at them and they NEVER give me what I want
erik2000 · 22-25, M
How did she ruin your life?
I am said that your parents get divorced. Will you stay with your mother?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
You should try to be me, I also have fun!
You made me laugh with "picking up stuff I dropped", I like it.
Jarshuwa · 22-25, M
@ladyfreyawilliams wow you're pretty spoilt . Feel worry 4 ur sister .
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
If megan wasn't born I'd be an only child and get a lot more attention. I'd be much happier
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I also would like to be an only child or have a brother.
Do you fight very often?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
It is strange that they never punish you for shouting at them.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Is she Megan? Poor girl, I know how she feels. Do they spank her?
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Yeah me and Megan are staying with mummy
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Wow and you are nor afraid of getting caught?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Do you hate each other? I don't like my sister.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Well you sound poor. That's all I can say
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Ha I hear it from many people!
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
She knows to let me do what I want :)
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
No megan tries not to fight
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Don't be. She's used to it
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Ha glad I'm not you!
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Mummy let's me

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