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I Am Tired of Being Single

I feel so empty right now. I think it's because I'm lonely. I miss having an intimate connection with someone. I miss being loved and loving someone. I'm not someone who has to have a relationship to be happy, even though that's what this sounds like. I've been single since January and I've been very content until probably July.

It feels like I'm just...missing something. I want to share my happiness and my life. I want to find someone who isn't toxic that betters me as a person as I better them. I've had so much bad with relationships, I want to see that something good can come out of it too. Recently I've become acutely aware of the piece missing inside me, and that emptiness doesn't feel very good.

I know I won't make any rash decisions, but I do long for the day when I am in a loving relationship. I want my next one to last. I'm willing to wait for that, but it doesn't erase the feeling of loneliness as I do.
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Vanvadar · 56-60, M
I get like that all the time after my last relationship. As much as I miss having someone to love and to feel loved. Its hard to trust anymore and it hurts her much
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
You want it to last, but 99% of those that do last end up feeling exactly how you feel right now. The best way is 6 months to 2 years, then bail when you feel it getting stale and boring. That's how nature made us. Oxytocin and vassopressin levels sharply fall after that period.

In any case, why don't you just go find one?
Shinokama · 26-30, F
@Tatsumi I'm not looking for the butterflies in your stomach rush, I know that wears off. I stopped dating because I wanted to work on myself more, and I think that's best done alone, at least in my case. But I've gotten to a point where I've made enough progress to feel like I could start again sometime soon without bringing baggage into the relationship. At this point though, I'm still deciding. Going into something too soon could be bad, but waiting a little longer doesn't have many adverse effects.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Shinokama Mm. Okay. Makes sense.
aztecwolf · 26-30, M
I've been having a lot of moments like that lately too.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Vanvadar · 56-60, M
Very* not her

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