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Does Trump incite violence?

In April he tweeted "Free Michigan"
In October he said militant groups should "stand by".

Irresponsible wording at best.

Now we see a poll indicating that Americans are twice as likely to be unopposed to violence as their means of gaining political domination as was the case a year ago.

And the FBI uncovered a paramilitary plot to kidnap Michigan's governor. Breaking news.
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Whether he does or not, there’s no arguing that he uses a terrible choice of words. If he doesn’t promote violence, he needs to make himself perfectly clear. His wording is very irresponsible.
TexChik · F
The feds debunked that kidnapping claim . Said there was none
bowman81 · M
@TexChikThis is another:
[image/video deleted]
Man accused of hatching plot to kidnap Whitmer is BLM supporter and made comments critical of police
One of the men accused of hatching a plot to abduct Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer attended a Black Lives Matter rally this ...
Washington Examiner on MSN.com20h
TexChik · F
@bowman81 a false flag operation ? To blame it on Trump
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@TexChik Biden served as Obama's VP, so that counts for more than serving in the same party as a guy who was in the KKK 70 years ago. Regardless, Biden is the nominee because he has overwhelming support from Black Democrats, so your concern trolling is noted.

By the way, Byrd apologized repeatedly for his youthful stupidity. I'm still waiting for Trump to apologize for promoting Birtherism, demanding the execution of the Central Park Five, and all the other racist statements he's made.
Yes, I believe certain people/factions with violent tendencies are burgeoned onward by his language, and also by the clear absence of presidentially unifying language.
JT123 · M
No! The Democrats and the democrat controlled news media does. Trump tried to stop the violence in a couple states, but the dem governors threw his help out of their cities!
Yes. since he is the president, what he says and what he does carries value.
To be fair there is violence on both sides.
I am shocked that he would do such an irresponsible thing.
I think the answer would be to just examine whether or not any particular violence as increased significantly to the point where the only explanation would be Trump's time of taking office
LucyGray · 26-30, F
@TheBlackPowerRanger I'm satisfied that his wording and command of the English language is atrocious.
@LucyGray lmao 😂
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
You can easily tell who has been indoctrinated by the MSM and left wing propaganda. They all regurgitate the same narrative and talking points.

The worst is how they assume everyone thinks and believes the same things they do. Then they get shocked and appalled that someone could believe things they've been trained to believe are unacceptable, racist, sexist, violent, and offensive.
In April he tweeted "Free Michigan"
In October he said militant groups should "stand by".
This is not her opinion. It's fact. Unless Trump's Twitter account was taken over. It would explain a lot... But it is irresponsible wording at best.

You can argue about the poll.

But the FBI did uncover a plot to kidnap the Governor.

Or are you saying that everything the MSM tells you is false (especially if it paints Trump in a bad light). I doubt that. That would mean that MSM around the world are ALL in cahoots with each other, working together to promote false narratives.

Nope, they're in it to make money just like everyone else and are in competition with each other. Therefore they are essentially independent sources all coming to (roughly) the same viewpoint.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
This is not her opinion. It's fact. Unless Trump's Twitter account was taken over. It would explain a lot... But it is irresponsible wording at best.

It's her opinion that those tweets influenced others to act. Considering it "irresponsible" is opinion as well.

Or are you saying that everything the MSM tells you is false (especially if it paints Trump in a bad light). I doubt that. That would mean that MSM around the world are ALL in cahoots with each other, working together to promote false narratives.

I'm not saying everything they say is false. I used the word "narrative". They use misdirection, and highlight certain issues, words, phrases and report on the same issues. While I wouldn't use the word "in cahoots" it is very VERY obvious they promote the same narrative.

Nope, they're in it to make money just like everyone else and are in competition with each other. Therefore they are essentially independent sources all coming to (roughly) the same viewpoint.

The same viewpoint...yeah that's what I am saying, the same narrative, the same worldview, the same focus on the peccadilloes and issues that the left cares about, framing them in a way to promote the same worldview, the same narrative. The absolutely do this, you don't see it because you agree with it, and have been indoctrinated by it.

By doing that, they make their product palatable to you and like minded individuals and they can sell you their narrative along with all the ads they promote with it!
@SumKindaMunster But not all MSM has the same narrative. They're not all left-leaning by any means. I may be Irish but I live in the UK, and the two most popular papers - the Sun and the Daily Mail - are right-wing. All media has an agenda; they skew facts to greater or lesser extent to appeal to their base. I think the best you can do is watch and read reputable papers and news channels that nonetheless have conflicting viewpoints. You would need MSM to do this so that you can avoid the rabid right and left-wingers on both sides.

Also, no one, NO ONE in this world is capable of being completely objective. We ALL have our biases. I have bias because I am a passionate environmentalist, and what angers me the most is that the environment has become a political issue, particularly under Trump, who wields enormous power. That's why I can't stand his politics. It shouldn't be like this. We are all HUMAN, we are ALL people on the planet, and ALL interdependent. The environment should not be something separate from us – we are ALL in the environment. It is where we live.
Of course. Domestic terror groups respond to his words and they make up his base of support. Hence the constant projection hes does about the "radical left".
@JT123 If by Trolls you mean "the Truth Fairy" (or leprechaun in my case) then yes :)
JT123 · M
@WonderingWhileWandering Find a different news source because you're getting false info.
@JT123 I could say the same about you. Although I would suggest finding A news source rather than just a different one.
Some people are convinced that the only way to save this country is a civil war between pus pockets and conservatives. To me, it really doesn't matter because at the end of the day, I'm just passing through. If things get official then I have to side with conservatives. I believe the police and military will side with the people who support them and not the chronically idle idiots who rage in the streets chanting for their deaths. Hopefully this twisted care bear fascism that has replaced liberalism is on it's way to obscurity, but God is on His throne either way.
Yes he spreads hate, and hate begets violence.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Yes but the thing is violence done by white people for the sake of conservative values isn't violence; it's "defending freedom".
I am Canadian. I see him as a dangerous person. He says lies. He is like a clown clever with power. And manipulative too. An evil man indeed.
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