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I Hate American Politics

The more I hear about the antics of the two parties in Congress, the more I would like to end political parties altogether. I have thought for years that a group of individuals working with the people could accomplish much more than two mutually obstructive parties with opposing agendas.
I also support strict term limits, these career politicians become completely out of touch.
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Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
@SW-User That is what the nation's founders had in mind, in fact, warned against a two party system for that very reason.
I would only support term limits if they included strict limits on lobbying and a massive increase in congressional research staff. Otherwise, all of the institutional knowledge will be with corporate lobbyists and the situation will be even worse than it is now.
Success · 26-30, F
Luckily I don't live there. It's bad enough on SW.
BobbieT · M
@Success lucky for us
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Then don’t be an American.
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
@BlueRain And what else would I be? I'm not into Socialism or Islam, in fact have been a freedom loving Libertarian for years.
BobbieT · M
Maybe you would prefer a Dictator.
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Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
@BobbieTNot at all, though we seem to be already going in that direction. I would prefer leaders selected from the populace, that actually have a clue what's going on outside the beltway, and actually listen to the people, making decisions not for parties or only themselves, but by what would work the best for all people involved.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@BobbieT pseudo-democracy is pretty much the same thing. in a way, leadership is dictatorship, with shallow gestures of democracy to keep the masses calm.
xixgun · M
I concur that career politicians are the ones causing all the problems
BobbieT · M
@Indieoriginal it’s only one party who continues to bring America down. The democrats.
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
@BobbieT That's the thing, Republicans blame the Democrats, Democrats blame the Republicans, they refuse to work together, and what actually gets done? Like something I was reading earlier about the relief checks,
the Democrats disagree now with that package, and are just now starting work on their own version, which will likely take another month, only to have the Republicans reject it as is, then it will go into debate, deliberation, etc. The virus will be over with and people working again before they agree on anything.
I know. It's beyond ridiculous.

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