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I Am Insecure About Myself

I recently met a new guy (that I mentioned in a previous post) and I keep having emotional ups and down about it.
I get super excited when he messages me, when he puts cute emojis in his messages, etc. I feel hopeful about our “relationship” possible evolving into something more.
Yesterday he invited me to play videogames with his friends. I was super excited about that (but also really scared), because him inviting me meant he likes me and wants to spend time with me, right?
But I keep feeling insecure about what if he just likes me as a friend or if there's hope for something more. We met on okcupid by the way, so my intentions were to find a long time partner and me talking to him means I intend to emotional invest in him. But he still often shows up online in the app. I don't feel he's a player, he looks like a genuine cool guy so what worries me and gets me insecure is what if he only likes me a friend and is still looking for someone else as a partner. I'm scared of investing too much of myself in him and or getting too attached to him (unfortunatly getting attached is something I do too often and quickly...). Or rather, I'm scared of getting hurt because of it.
Am I dumb for feeling this way? Am I exaggerating with my feelings?
I just feel so confused in all of this, not knowing where I stand. But I don't feel comfortable asking him about it because I'm scared I'll look psycho and scare him off.
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Forest · 22-25, F
Your feelings are understandable. My advice is go have fun and see how he acts. See how it goes. If you end up in the friend zone, then wait until you're alone and talk to him about it. Relationships are built on good communication. Also, never worry about looking psycho in front of him. If you want this to be serious, he'll see all sides of you eventually and, if he's the right guy, he'll love every single one. Good luck :)
escapemyreality · 31-35, F
@Forest: Thank you for your encouraging words :) Do you think is not a problem to ask him directly what his intentions are with this and how does he feel about me? :$ we first started talking a month ago
Forest · 22-25, F
@escapemyreality: I think it would help you both to be on the same page.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Don't ask.. don't put yourself down ... Don't think about tomorrow ... Enjoy your time with him ... Tomorrow will come, you'll know then how he feels

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