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I Love Politics

The second amendment should be reappealed. If we followed the laws as our founders had laid them out, the 2nd amendment wouldn't be here today. There was a letter stating ever twenty years we should review our laws and get rid of the ones no longer useful. The problem is no body wants to take the time to redo the constitution. It is often that big corporations pay our Congress to protect their intrested and the NRA pays Congress to protect gun rights. I believe that everyone should be able to apply for the right to carry a handgun.How ever No one needs an assault rifle or an AK 47. I hope one Congress does look at reappealing the 2nd amendment.
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It's always the NRA's fault, right? I mean, if they would just get out of the way, then the 2A could be repealed, common sense gun laws to ban and confiscate all guns could be enacted, and flying unicorns would fart glitter.

Any clue of just how much the NRA actually spends? About $10 million a year. And did you know that Bloomberg's Everytown spent $50 million in 2014 alone.

The truth is the gun control lobby is more well funded than the NRA to pay off those pesky politicians you claim stand between those evil guns and your utopian socialist state.

No one cares what you THINK we may or may not need. It's called the bill of rights, not the bill of needs. you really want to go down the slippery slope of having the government determine what you do and do not need?

Seriously...outside of oxygen, shelter, water, food, and for some, medication...those are the ONLY things humans need for survival.

Be careful what you wish for.
Yngbullrdr · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy there are many countries that have stricter gun laws then we do, Canada being one of them. You don't hear about shooting in Canada or China. However you do hear about it in the us on a weekly basis. We can't enact tougher laws because Congress is lazy and doesn't want to offend the 2nd amendment group. Congress would rather let mass shootings happen then pass the bare minimum to look like they did something. As long as that 2nd amendment is there, no one will pass the laws needed to keep us safe. No the goverment should not decide what we need or don't need. But if there is a clear problem, like mass shootings the goverment should do everything in its power to prevent them. I may be young but I'm far from naive.
@Yngbullrdr wait...China? China refuses to report homicide data to the one knows the truth.

But let's see...Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico all have much stricter gun control laws than the US. And they have more firearm homicides. Not just a higher rate of firearm homicides...more in total. could that possibly happen with such strict gun laws?

There are dozens of other countries that essentially ban all guns, and their homicide rates are higher than that of the US. Wait...they don't have guns. How can they possibly kill people?

Now, let's consider than the firearm homicide rate is about 50% less today than it was in 1993. And yet, during that time, the number of legally owned firearms among law abiding citizens has nearly doubled. Wait a could there be more guns and less crime?

You write as if there aren't any gun laws at all...that the 2nd Amendment stops gum laws from being passed. Yet at the federal, state and local levels, it's estimated that there are approximate 20,000 gun laws on the books already. Yet you think that more is somehow the answer.

90% of firearm homicides are committed by people with at least one felony. By law, they are prohibited from having a gun. Yep...those darn gun laws are working great!
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
the second is still useful
Vikush · 36-40, F
2nd amendment should be altered
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
You aren't a student of history are you?
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Never happen

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