I Don't Understand Why Some People Are So Mean
So I'm going to come off as spoiled kid but I don't care because I need to know if what happened was normal. My day started normal as usual and I had no troubles at all except for the 10 hours study group at my friend's apartment to finish uni work. I didn't keep track with time and when I realized it was 10:30 pm I called for someone to pick me up. After receiving a call from him, I went out to meet him but I couldn't find him. The person didn't know the exact location. All I could see was a dark parking lot that is filled with cars, couple cap drivers smoking and tiny market.To add to the bad luck, I had no battery in my phone. I tried calling my ride but no chance of getting reception. I saw this woman that was getting into the market and I asked her if I could use her phone but she kept staring at me like I was some freak. She kept asking me where is the guy I was waiting for, but if I knew where he was why would I asked for her help!! Yes maybe it will be weird to see some girl with books and laptop 10:30 pm weekend but couldn't I be someone that needs help? couldn't she see that I was so scared and she was the only woman around? couldn't she focus on my phone's screen that I was showing her and the mark that indicated no signal? she just ignored me and left. To add to me freaking out, all the cats started gathering around my books which I dumped on the floor and some kid tried to scare them away. I reached my limit and started walking around the building for 10 minutes till I found my ride. By that time, I was crying my eyes out, not because I was tired from carrying books and the laptop or because I was scared because it was dark. I was crying because of that rude woman. I'm not used to that and I saw it as a mean thing but maybe it wasn't. I don't know.
sorry it's long ^^
sorry it's long ^^