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I Love Fighting

I Encourage Them... The one thing i love the most is seeing fights most esp girls fighting, its a real turn on to see girls beat the shit out of each other, and its the groups that i like the most when 4-5 girls team up and beat up another, omg i love and always wish i was there when they are someplace there and always wonder if there is anyone around these girls when fighting, also girls 1 on 1 is also exciting. Im not the kind that will put a stop to a fight, but i may actually join in, or encourage it more which is another thrill to me seeing these moms encouraging the kids to fight, good job for them! Always up for watching a good down and dirty Fight!! anyone else feel this one or am i the only one?
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There is nothing much more exciting to watch than two girls really going at.....showing no fear!
would you get in a brawl with anyone and any gender
God I love seeing girls fucking beat the shit out of eachother! My cunt instantly starts dripping when there's girls beating eachother up. I love seeing one girl get the shit beat out of her by a group of girls until she's inconcious, broken half her bones and is bleeding everywhere. I also love to see two groups of girls fight and don't stop until half the girls have broken bones. I never stop a girl fight or a kid fight. I have been in the middle of a group of moms screaming for their 8yo daughters (5 or 7 of them) to team up and beat the shit out of this girl who they didn't like. It was so hot hearing all of these mom's screaming at their daughter's through the lit cigarettes in their mouths to fuck that girl up and mutilate her. They ended up nearly killing the girl and she's homeschooled now because her face is unrecognizable!
I would have been on my knees sucking the warm cum out of your balls if I saw you get hard from watching them fight. It's so hot that your dick would be hard from watching that, and I would want it deep inside of me constantly.
Uh....message me some time if you want the response I'm thinking about right now! ;-)
midschtch · F
That is intense and mean, but hot none the less, just to know there are 8yo like that is hot. I ll bet if my g daughter was there she woulda join in and helped them. Girls that age with that kind of attitude is a rare and hard find, i am willing to be at least one of them is a bad ass with a bad attitude and mouth, who got the others involved which makes it more hot. The fact the moms allowed it and cheered it on makes it super HOT!!! I think if my g dau was there and didnt join in i woulda been mad. All i can say is good for all involved!!

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