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I Hate Littering

I'm so tired of people littering. I try to pick up litter on my walks but right now I am trying to hint at my neighbours to pick up after themselves...not because they seem to care. At this point I wish I had an anti-littering community in real life who could help me make people stop littering and also help me pick it up. I feel alone in this fight as I have no support from real life friends it feels like. I feel like they'll just think i'm exaggerating but we're polluting the earth to the point that it's as bad as global warming by now. I wish more people saw that. They need education.
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lou502008 · 61-69, M
good luck with that. my neighbor took the time to mow his lawn and blow all the grass clippings and chopped up leaves out into the road. the wind from passing cars moved all this yard waste onto my lawn next door. i got my leaf blower and moved his mess back onto the corner of His property. He came out, ranted a bit, then called the Police on me. it was a good thing i took a cell phone video. i showed it to the officer and he proceded to write my neighbor the ticket for causing "an unsafe condition on a public way"!
xinbaba · 61-69, M
every little bit helps. thank you for caring.
curiousguy50 · 51-55, M
The problem is many people are lazy and selfish
Lolinondoda · 26-30, F
@curiousguy50 True :(
curiousguy50 · 51-55, M
@Lolinondoda how much does an empty Styrofoam coffee cup weigh, or a beer can? Almost weightless, yet I see them littering a beautiful roadside everywhere. It makes me sick...
funfan · 51-55, M you still feel the same way about litter almost 3 yrs later? The global plastic problem just keeps getting worse. 😬
I hate that too. Around here there is no respect for the environment
Lolinondoda · 26-30, F
@SW-User That's awful! Feeling bad for the animals there D:
It's bad! @Lolinondoda
lou502008 · 61-69, M
@SW-User wait till the animal Activist get hold of this picture!!!
Goralski · 56-60, M
At least you don't live in San Francisco:(
Lolinondoda · 26-30, F
@Goralski is it extra bad there?
Goralski · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
Fernie · F
Those people are beyond ignorant and if and when I have said things like "you're standing beside a damn trash can and you just dropped your coffe cup on the ground!" the response is usually "F YOU! Mind your own business..." I can't repeat most of what I say in response but basically it's about... we SHARE this people share a home...would you let a roommate leave their shit all over the floor??? I pick trash up all the time too...glad you and I are out here!
Lolinondoda · 26-30, F
@Fernie I'd probably be rude back and say "should we call your mom and ask her to pick up after you since you can't do it yourself?"..I thought that would be a great comeback. xd
Fernie · F
😄@Lolinondoda that IS a great comeback!!!
MethDozer · M
Littering is only justifiable in cities. They should have to keep there trash instead of ruining rural areas with their trash. Cities are already disgusting dumpheaps.
Lolinondoda · 26-30, F
@MethDozer Nah, even then I don't think it's acceptable. Ya know then the city people go to the countryside or whatever and think it's okay to do the same thing there.
MethDozer · M
Just talking shit yo. Not being serious really.

I just hate watching all these trucks with NYC trash. Bury it in old subway tunnels or something.

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