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I Am Miserable

After feeling accomplished by studying for a final that is in a few days for five hours, one of my roommates had be angry at me over a loss in a video game and blamed everything on me. He made my reward turn into my one way trip back to being miserable. Unbelievable. The story of my life.
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LyricalOne · F
That’s his problem, not yours. Don’t make other people’s problems the story of your life. There are better choices.
animusinvictus · 31-35, M
Your roommate sounds like hell. U should get a new one.
MattJunio · 26-30, M
He is not a jerk. He is actually a great guy. The only problems with him is that he can tease me all the time (takes it too far at times, puts all the blame on me whenever we play a video game and always somehow persuade me to play whenever I have to do things of higher priority. @animusinvictus
Peaceful · F
@MattJunio that doesn't sound that great. Set better boundaries. 😐

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