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I Weigh 250 Pounds.

My doctor is not happy with my weight gain. I weighed in at 274 pounds. What? I gained 20 pounds in like 2 months! He has me scheduled for a cardio respiratory fitness test in 3 weeks x.x it's gonna suck
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MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
I don't think being morbidly obese (the typical label we get in the US) is healthier. But it is not always synonymous with illness. When I lost weight I got really sick and had to have my gallbladder surgically removed as my body was out of balance creating gallstones. My body having always been fat, didn't know how to handle my eating healthier. I did have a better lifestyle and was happier. Apparently the endorphins released during exercise are a pretty good antidepressant
ChubbyBoy · 22-25, M
Many reports have proven that all the diseases associated with obesity are actually caused by consuming too much sugar. Obese people only get these disease because most of them tend to eat a lot o sugary foods.
ChubbyBoy · 22-25, M
Don't go. Being fat has been proven to be healthy. Doctors are just too proud to admit it because they are scared about how it will make them look after making people lose weight and then telling them to gain it back.
ChubbyBoy · 22-25, M
No being morbidly obese isn't healthy. Being fat is healthy but their is a limit. Scientists have found that people with a BMI from 28 to 36 live longer and are more likely to survive diseases.
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
Being overweight is never healthy.
ChubbyBoy · 22-25, M
So. Do you have any diseases. I don't think so. Are you at risk of getting any diseases. I doubt it. So what's the problem
ChubbyBoy · 22-25, M
If you believe that then the doctors have done a good job manipulating you.
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
@Chubbyboy Well being 274lbs is morbidly obese unless she's very tall
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
@Chubbyboy "Being fat has been proven to be healthy" that has to be the biggest load of nonsense I've heard in a long time. Being morbidly obese is no where close to being healthy why spread these lies?

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