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I Think Kids Are Funny

My 6-year-old nephew: I'm finished with my dinner and with the broccoli.

Me: *checks plate to see there's still half there* Okay. Want a snack?

Nephew: Yes! 😀

Me: That was a trick question. If you can eat a snack, you can finish your dinner. 😔

Nephew: 😕 That was a good trick...I hate that trick. 😠
Top | New | Old
FackingAtItAgain · 46-50, M
And that, folks, is how it's done.
Clairebare · 26-30, F
LOL!!! Someone just lost her Favorite Aunt crown
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
I'm finished with my bacon, sausage and ham... o-o *Has full plate*
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
Lol thats a good trick question!
He sounds like a cutie. 😊
Haha love that are funny
I'll get it back. As long as Im not "the mean auntie" then I'm good. 😁
Aspies19, he ate a little more but not all of it. He gave up on the snack.
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
D': You're the one trying to feed me this stuff!!
Serenitree · F
Gotta love kids.
Lol 😆 I hate tricks too. Lmao
SuperPig, you cannibal! 😭

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