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I Love America

I Am A Proud American Patriot... I am a proud American Patriot. I believe that the United States of America is an Exceptional nation by virtually every measure. No nation in human history has done more that America to spread and improve the rights if the individual -- God given rights that all too often have been usurped and stolen by tyrants and tyrannical governments. American men and women have fought and died, not only for our own freedom and liberty, but for that of others.

I am proud to say that at a time when many of my friends and peers fled service to our nation, I volunteered, joined the US Navy, and served. I am proud to say that I am a Vietnam veteran, that my father and grandfather were WW-II veterans, that my other grandfather was a WW-I veteran, and that service to our nation in my family includes two US Presidents and one US Senator. I have taken an oath before God that I will protect and defend the United States and the Constitution upon which we are founded, against all enemies foreign and domestic and I will do so until my final dying breath.

I am an American conservative libertarian. My political philosophy is closely aligned with the United States Constitution and its Coda, the Federalist [Papers}. The US Constitution was a document that was brilliantly crafted to balance the concerns of Federalists, who sought a strong central government and the Anti-Federalists, who feared a European Aristocracy or Monarchy and therefore sought to form a confederation of weak states. Through the Constitution, the Founders created a form of limited Federal government that incorporated numerous checks and balances, within each of the major branches as well as across the three branches. It was a Representative Democracy that gave the citizens a great deal of power and influence over their elected representatives while acting to delay the tyranny of democracy in which the people continuously vote themselves greater and greater benefits, all at the expense of others.

Designed with two legislative bodies, a House of Representatives largely elected almost directly by their constituents and serving short terms, combined with a Senate that better represented the states than the electorate and serving long terms, the founders had created a legislature where competing interests and constituencies almost guaranteed that there would be little agreement between the two houses and therefore few bills passed by both. Further demonstrating its brilliance, the Constitution, and the subsequent Bill of Rights, sought to define and limit the powers that could be wielded by this Federal Government, and subsequently clarified that those powers not explicitly given to the Government, were reserved for the States and for the people.

I believe that the best government is the government that governs the least. Our Founders crafted a Government organization and a system of government that were designed to limit and constrain the power and scope of the Federal Government. Unfortunately, over time, as the Founders knew would happen, the creative energies of our Government have been used to find ways to pervert the intent of the founders. Our Supreme Court, never envisioned by the founders to serve the role it serves today, interpreted into the Constitution through "penumbras" and manipulation of words to mean other than what the founders intended, such as the Commerce Clause, thus greatly expanding the power, size, and reach of our Federal Government.

I believe that freedom means the freedom to succeed or to fail and that the choice is mine. Unfortunately, for reasons of guilt or in search of power, legislators and courts sought to ensure "social justice," they yearned to ensure guaranteed outcomes for selected special classes of citizens at the expense of others using the redress of prior wrongs as their excuse for bastardizing and circumventing the Law of our land as written in plain English in the Constitution and these same people, along with their spawn, seek to further corrupt our way of life today.

I believe in the liberty to do and say what I want so long as I do not infringe on the freedom or liberty of others. I accept that liberty means that others may make choices different from mine. Lest readers think I place all blame on the Democrats or the Democrat party, Republicans too have sought to usurp the power of the Federal Government to implement laws and restraints upon our liberty in the name of morality and family values -- legislating laws through our Federal Government that have no basis in the powers of the Constitution, such as limitations on gay marriage, polygamy, drugs, education, none of which are addressed in that greatest document of Government in the history of mankind.

I believe that Democracy, in all its forms, is the worst form of Government in human history – except all others.

The time has past for us all to recommit ourselves to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It is beyond time for us to revert to the foundation of our Government and our way of life by cleansing our Government of the power it has usurped and cleansing our Federal laws of laws without firm foundation in the founding document. If we are to survive, we must stop spending on those things for which I Government has no Constitutional mandate.

The time is now to rededicate ourselves and our land to Freedom, Liberty, and personal responsibility

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