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I Want To Talk Politics

If you love living in relative freedom yet plan on voting for the Clinton woman or the 1930's communist - you show your insanity or complete lack of understanding.
acpguy · C
Northwest ..........I think I am done arguing with a typical illogical liberal that likes to argue forever as they can not accept logic.

I did not say all the children are liberals but you in your pin head skull interpret it that way to support your argument. "The Baby Boom Generation effect. These folks are retiring from the labor, and are not actively looking for employment. When the crisis hit, some of them hung their hats, and some reached retirement age." You must not go to Walmart or you would see the greeters, those are not kids as well as many others who are what you called retired. Many of the folks that you claim are retired do not show up on the stats because they work for a small supplemental income that does not affect their social security and so do not show up in the stats. However they do need more money than retirement. Many of them are also making more money retired than they did when they worked like myself. It is he lazy younger folks who do not want to work and you did not address that.

"As a matter of fact, Norway has 488,500 registered hunters. Norway's population is 5M. That is 10% of the total population.

Let's compare this to the US. We have 13.7M hunters out of a population of 320M. That is 4.3% of the total population."

You are again citing illogical stats that do not support yourself nor reject what I stated. 10% of the Norwegian population is a very small number of gun owners as compared to the USA. You used the number of hunters in the USA which is not very accurate when comparing "gun owners" You really are not very smart or like a liberal are using misleading info to support your poor argument. If you look at actual gun ownership in the USA "WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) – A recent Gallup Poll found that 60 percent of Americans own guns in order to feel safe." So I believe you are badly wrong with your statements and are purposely misleading like a Hillary political hack. You only stated hunters and I spoke of competitive shooters which is a growing population especially among women. Shooting involves cowboy action, three gun events, trap, skeet, sporting clays. FITASC, long range rifle shooting and other shooting events.

Please stop showing your liberal dishonest fact quotes and just admit that you along with the other socialist / liberal /democrat enablers you lie and distort for your own goals.
acpguy · C
What the liberals and socialists writing negative comments on "notpoliciallycorrect"'s statements do not realize or pay attention to is how it is their own people that try to take away freedom of speech by riots, protests and interruption of speeches by others that do not follow the liberal / socialist view point. If liberals were honest and do want to allow every one to have an equal voice about subjects and allow freedom then why do they d this stuff? How phony!! They want to take right away from people and change the Constitution. Their argument is that the Constitution is out dated what they do not realize and will admit true freedom is never outdated nor should it be taken away. Liberals and their ideals to take away freedoms make them no different than the KKK or Hitler Gestapo.
acpguy · C
Northwest .........You stated two countries out several you named that are socialist that you think have liberal gun laws. You need to revisit those countries laws and also not take my statement out of context. Norway and Denmark do allow guns, but as I stated the cost of gun ownership is extremely prohibitive and "only the wealthy" as I stated can own guns. I am a competitive shooter and shoot with people from all over the world including those from Norway and Denmark. The cost of gun ownership due to licenses and insurance that is mandatory there only allows a very small minority of people to possess a gun(s).

Also you quote statistics of gun deaths, so you should also show that the majority of people here in the USA are killed in drug deals, Black on Black killings, illegal aliens, terrorists and other thugs. I you could separate out your numbers our death rate among legally owned gun owners would probably be extremely small. There are hundreds of thousands of shots fired on gun ranges here in the USA and only one death has occurred on a legitimate gun range and that was Kyle Lamb who was shot by a deranged ex-military person.

I also used "Period" due to the fact I copied you as you made it a point to do so in a prior post, so I guess that as you are typical enabled liberal it is OK for you to do something but not for another person with a different view. Kind of like the liberal protestors who block free speech and interrupt others that have a different view on things.
Northwest · M
@acpguy: I don't know where you got your information from, but let's take a couple of those countries for example.

Norway: the country has a significant number of hunters. Anyone, who passes a background check, can own a weapon, and use it for hunting. They can be kept for self defense. You don't have to be "loaded" to own a weapon and hunt. Gun related death rate is 1.75 per 100,000

Denmark: Anyone who wants a gun can. Same deal as Norway (and the US), they must pass a background check. Gun ownership is much lower than Norway, because hunting is not a favorite "sport" in Denmark. You don't need to be loaded to hunt or own a gun. Gun related death rate is 1.28 per 100,000

USA: I will skip the details, but gun related death rate is 10.75 per 100,000.

The tax rate in Norway is 28% (flat rate), and is split between federal, state and local. This makes it effectively lower than the average tax rate in the USA.

Those under 16 and pregnant women, are covered 100%. Those over, have a $250 deductible per year. Specialist care, requires an additional deductible.

ER visits are 100% covered, and if you're traveling, it's covered.

In the US, most people are covered by their employers. Nothing changed here, with the exception that insurers can no longer refuse someone with a pre-existing condition. That's millions of people, who used to shell out 100% of their medical costs, when they move jobs, etc.

For the rest of the population, the removal of the pre-existing condition refusal clause, allowed millions more Americans to get insurance. Yes, it is now mandatory, which means that you do not have a choice, but if you cannot afford insurance, then you qualify for assistance, and if insurance costs more than 8% of your modified adjusted gross income, then you are exempt.

Boon for insurance companies? How about boon for people who could not afford insurance. Insurance companies are making money, but their biggest money maker is not the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it's the medicare changes, that went into effect in 2003. Insurers are trying to opt out of the ACA. The real solution is controlling medical charges, and a universal payer system (as an option), but I'm afraid that some people will call it socialism.

When you say period, you really need to have your facts straight. Period.
acpguy · C
Northwest...You are so totally wrong. The majority of those countries you mention do not allow most of their citizens to own guns and hunt. Only the wealthy can own gun and hunt. And you are no more free to do whatever you want than here and probably less so. Taxes in Norway are extremely high, insurance is hardly affordable in the all you mention. Obama's healthcare plan was a boon for insurance companies as they rip off everyone rather than those that worked for a living who not only pay higher insurance costs but their tax dollars are also help pay for others who are also paying higher costs for insurance and healthcare.

Northwest · M
@acpguy: No, I did not pick two countries at random. You picked Norway, and I responded to that. The other one was a bonus.

As a matter of fact, Norway has 488,500 registered hunters. Norway's population is 5M. That is 10% of the total population.

Let's compare this to the US. We have 13.7M hunters out of a population of 320M. That is 4.3% of the total population.

This means that Norway has more than twice, per capita, hunters, than the US. Contrary to your claim, affordability is not an issue.

I don't know why you would bring up gun ranges. They are not part of the conversation, but your information is wrong. The other "inaccuracy", is that Kyle Lamb is NOT the only fatality ever on gun range. While rare, they do occur. In 2009, a woman walked into a Florida gun range with her son. She waited until he was firing, shot him in the head, and then killed herself. At the gun range down the street from where I live, a guy walked in, rented a gun and killed himself. Over the years, there have been quite a few fatalities at gun ranges. There are no checks at all. Not once was I asked for anything more than a driver license, before handing me a gun and ammunition.

It is however, real weird for you to pick gun ownership as the measuring stick for freedom. I would have picked freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. You know, like a civilized individual.

As to your remaining false claim, and that is Belgium, Norway Denmark, and to some degree France, banning cartoons that may offend Muslim, well that is false. The cartoons Muslims consider offensive, appeared in Norway's, Denmark's and Belgium's papers, and obviously France. The media in these countries is free to publish anything they want. There are some restrictions in some European countries on Nazi propaganda, but that's about it. There is no such ban on Nazi propaganda in the US, and it seems as if the Nazis seem to appear (not exclusively of course), at the same venues Tea Partiers, and gun lobbyists appear it (at least in the part of the country I am from, the Northwest. They certainly were at the last Trump rally, in Lynden, Washington. - Not saying that Trump encouraged it, but that's what ended up showing up).
acpguy · C wife teaches at our state college one of the things that shows there is a high number of unemployed people is the number of college graduates not working as I and my wife have witnessed. These enabled liberal children are not accepting jobs because 1.) the jobs do not pay what they want 2.) they are not jobs that are exactly what they want as they think they should be hired into a position they feel they are qualified for but aren't 3.) the little lazy darlings do not want to work.

Also, we have a lot people that can no longer file for unemployment because they have gone beyond the time they can make a claim because they have run out of places to turn work down while interviewing or got tired of going out on interviews. There are "Help Wanted" signs all over the USA cities I have visited but jobs are not being filled because of our democrat enabled society wants to make more money than what they deserve or do not want to work for a wage. In the depression people would take most any kind of job that paid no matter how much. Today our welfare enabled and parent enabled society people do not want to actually work so our unemployment rate in fact is extremely high but not due to a lack of jobs.
Ultimately, no one is fully free. We are bound by physical laws. The point of the American Constitution was to recognize our 'rights' as universal, as given by our Creator. Our rights being that each of us humans exist, for first, our own private means (marriage, family, personal enterprise) and that the Americab government shall not infringe on those personal rights. Yes, slavery existed, women were kept silent , etcetera. Our women don't wear black trash bags with slits for eyes and we do not openly endorse or openly practice slavery. The oppression of others is not endorsed in the U.S. (Unless you happen to want a smaller government or are a policeman, but I'm digressing)

The basic freedoms as individual citizens of the U.S. Is what I'm referring to when I mention freedom

When one is taxed a third or more of their hard earned income - only to have it given away to persons by a third that freedom?
When one is shouted down at a campaign under the guise that some lives are more important than others, and those persons are not brought to justice... Is that freedom?
Freedom to keep what you earn with a live able tax rate towards infrastructure is not a bad idea

Health care should be freely given only by charities
Government based health care is very expensive and poorly rationed
Banning the influx of refugees from countries known to be unfriendly to us is a common sense idea... Once we re-establish an Ellis island sort of station (selective open borders) then we can have a better grasp on who's coming in our country.
Northwest · M

"These enabled liberal children"

I am not really sure how to interpret this. If you mean that only liberals send their kids to college, then that would explain a few things. If you mean that only liberal kids are not finding work, then you need to rethink your claims, for they are not grounded in reality.

Perhaps you should look at the stats. Our kids are picking majors such as English, Communications, Political Science, Marketing, Ethnic Studies, History, etc. There is a glut of degrees in this fields, and kids run debts of $100,000 or more, to end up with a degree that enables them to pour my coffee, part-time, while all 6M of them pursue their dream of becoming one of the writers for the New Yorker.

Great, so what's that got to do with the price of rice in China, or more specifically, why Chinese students make up more than 50% of all graduate students STEM fields? Lucky for us, the grads are taking jobs, and starting companies in the US. Quite a large % of Muslims among the remaining 50%.

As to the rest of your post. You claim that the problem is Democrats. So, they do not want to accept work that does not enable them to live like Trump, specifically, buy any woman you want, get married, cheat on her, breed, switch wife every few years, for a younger, firmer, Eastern European model, parade her around (sometime naked) on your jet, pose them on furs, and really show women that's how you prove your respect for them?

Is this what you really mean?

PS: With the exception of the Koch Brothers (who are now spending real money trying to educate the public on Trump's divisive, racist and xenophobic agenda), the mainstream conservatives have shown by example, that an education in wheeling and dealing, not in science and technology, is what you need. You can always hire the Chinese and Muslim/Hindu engineers to do the actual work for you.
Northwest · M
@acpguy: Great, so you're now down to name calling. This is how conversations typically digress with people who have nothing to say, so they resort to sophomoric insults.

So, I listed the number of hunters. What do you think hunters kill animals with? Jedi Mind Tricks? Are you telling me that when I say that roughly 10% of the population, translates into more than 40% of households, that you cannot figure out on your own that these people own guns, and use them to hunt?

Great, so here's another stat for you: in 2011 there were 1,229,436 registered guns in Norway, owned by roughly a half million people. In addition, they estimate that there are an additional 600,000 non-registered weapons.

Does this, in any way, shape, or form, indicate that there's an affordability issue?

So, yes, I'm sure that all those "cowboy action, three gun events, trap, skeet, sporting clays. FITASC, long range rifle shooting and other shooting events" enthusiasts, are feeling discriminated against in Norway. Said no one, in Norway.

"It is he lazy younger folks who do not want to work and you did not address that."

Do you have problems reading? Here, I will re-post for your benefit:

"Perhaps you should look at the stats. Our kids are picking majors such as English, Communications, Political Science, Marketing, Ethnic Studies, History, etc. There is a glut of degrees in this fields, and kids run debts of $100,000 or more, to end up with a degree that enables them to pour my coffee, part-time, while all 6M of them pursue their dream of becoming one of the writers for the New Yorker."

How are the liberals to blame for kids' career choices? Really?
Northwest · M
So, what you're saying is that we evolved. Back in the 18th century, women in certain communities in the US, did have a strict dress code. I am actually not sure why bring up the garbage bags with slits into this discussion, because that dress code is not universally required in Muslim majority countries, and in some Muslim countries, the Hijab is banned. Even in places like Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, it is not a requirement, although in the former, women from lower casts tend to wear it, while in Saudi Arabia, women from higher casts tend to wear it.

Again, what's that got to do with the price of rice in China? And why cover it partially? Why not cover how much freedom Native Americans have to recover their lands?

Also, is anyone claiming that certain American lives are more valuable than others? I know that Trump wants to "register" Muslim Americans, kind of like we did to Japanese Americans and what the Nazis did to the Jews, but that's a different discussion.

Now that we've dispensed of this random topic, let's talk about taxation.

You can declare yourself an independent state, and live on your own. Here's what you should not expect:

- Use of any roads to get to anywhere and from anywhere.

- Use of any hospitals that other people's taxes paid for.

- Use of the Internet. Taxes covered the research institutions that gave us the Internet.

- Travel in general.

- Schools.

- Special needs services.

- Elderly services.

- Use of water resources paid for by general taxes.

- Access to public parks
Northwest · M
@npc: you really should look for a book called "how lie with numbers".

The hack job web site you listed, can only fool those who are willing to be fooled. Labor Force Participation, is the number that's the most susceptible to context.

Labor Force Participation, is at its lowest point since 1978. The problem with this raw number, is that it does not take a couple of things into consideration:

1. The Baby Boom Generation effect. These folks are retiring from the labor, and are not actively looking for employment. When the crisis hit, some of them hung their hats, and some reached retirement age.

2. The psychological effect of the worse, combined, financial/housing/labor crisis, to hit our country in 100 years. This accounts for about 0.5% of the net effect.

In reality, and barring another baby boom, Labor Force Participation, is going to continue its decline, at least for the next decade. Ironically, the illegal Latino (and other) injection, may (and I repeat, may), in about a decade, create an uptick in Labor Force Participation.

I am really amused how many people, simply read a one-sided web site, and treat it as Gospel.

If the sound bite didn't tell them - then the sheep don't understand
Northwest · M
Norway is a socialist state. You are free to do whatever you want in Norway.
Italy is a socialist state. You are free to do whatever you want in Italy.
Denmark is a socialist representative monarchy. You are free to do whatever you want in Denmark.
Holland is a socialist representative monarchy. You are free to do whatever you want in Holland.
Sweden is a socialist representative monarchy. You are free to do whatever you want in Sweden.
Britain is a socialist representative monarchy. You are free to do whatever you want in Britain.

So, when you say that in a Socialist state, you are not free, it's in direct contract with reality, as lived by the people of these countries (and that's just a tiny sample).

I could have come up with a bunch of socialist countries, where freedom is not guaranteed, but I could also do the same for Republics where freedom is not guaranteed.

Bottom line, as I've already mentioned, socialism and freedom of speech are not mutually exclusive.

Nazi Germany was comprised of national socialists
In a socialist state, you are not free.
Northwest · M
Unemployment rate Feb 2009, just as the President was taking office: 8.3%

Unemployment rate Feb 2016: 4.9%

No, I'm not joking. This is a miraculous recovery from the worse economic crisis since the Great depression, and as bad as it was, it took about 20 years, and WWII spending, to get the country out of the Great depression.

Even if you go THE golden year, when the US was on top of the world: 1955. Unemployment rate for 1955 is 4.9%

When you get to 5% and below, it means that nearly every single person who wants to work, can have a job. Some people cannot work, or will not work.

100 M people out of work? If we would believe this number, and taking into consideration that unemployment stands at 4.9%, that means the US has more than 2 Billion potential worker, and a population of more than 3.25 Billion.

All those 'free' countries in socialism ... What are their tax rates?

The only ones who are living free in those countries you mention are the hordes of "refugees" from and Middle East (thanks to our failed foreign policy via the Clinton woman) flooding their countries
acpguy · C
You are totally correct.
In a socialist state;
one is welcomed to only the official opinion - all else are deemed harmful or insulting

In a republic: one may hold opinions that differ from whatever is considered accepted.
oh, in other words, you're a fan of the influx of these 'refugees'
I'm not sure we've had a great foreign policy in the last 100 years.
This present disaster in the WH has done NOTHING good for the U.S.
I keep it simple, anytime the tax rate increases, employment goes down.
There's no way the U.S. Has undergone a recovery. Not possible with the disaster of the last 8 years
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Funny how people miss what a mess Killery is and always has been. Then the Berny followers want to live in a communist country. Drives me nuts listening to those two .
I am amused at how many believe NPR, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Al Jeezera as gospel as well as whatever statistics they choose to report.
That's right, the approved version of the unemployment says 8%
Yes, my friends, the major news network speaks the truth...isvestia is alive and well in the USSA
It is solely your opinion

What I have written stands on its own.

Socialism is no friend to an open discussion of differing opinions.
Northwest · M
@notpoliticallycorrect: said: "In a socialist state; one is welcomed to only the official opinion - all else are deemed harmful or insulting"

Absolutely not true. Scandinavian countries are socialist. France is Socialist.

This is also beside the point. I was commenting on the contradiction in your opening statement, where you call for living in freedom, while dissing anyone who does not share your opinion.

PS: Republic is not a synonym of democracy, or freedom of speech. Rome was a Republic. Italy and Germany, under fascism were Republics.
Northwest · M
Yes, definitely in other words, because I did not use these words, or anything similar.

The President led the country through a recovery, that's as difficult as the Great Depression.

Yes, our foreign policy has been hostage to special groups, and Trump's latest speech to AIPAC says that he's going to be the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White House.

We've also not been able to do anything about Saudi support for radical Islam, because well, you know why.
Northwest · M
You're just insulting anyone who does not share your belief system. Is that how you define freedom?

That's a joke, right?

Almost 100million out of work.
Donald Trump is the only sensible choice. Okay I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Doran10 · 80-89, M
The only insanity I would demonstrate would be voting for Trump or Cruz.
The statistics you live by and admire are lying to you
acpguy · C missed another fact, some of your socialist countries (Belgium, Norway and Denmark) have stopped free speech at different times. That would not allow cartoons or opinions to be published that might cause the Muslim radicals to be disturbed after some were from earlier published pieces. France tried to but at least there people fought against it.
Northwest · M
You can certainly say that, but it does not make it true. There were National Socialists in Germany, but Nazi Germany was not comprised of National Socialists.

This also has no bearing on what I said, which is: in a socialist state/Republic, etc. freedom of speech and Socialism are not mutually exclusive.
Northwest · M
@npc: no, it's not my opinion, it's a fact. Norway is a socialist country. Freedom of speech is guaranteed in Norway. This is a fact.

Nazi Germany was a Republic. You could be sent to a concentration camp, or killed, for expressing your opinion. This is also a fact.
Northwest · M
Our foreign policy, for the past 8 years, is to attempt to repair the damage caused but the neocon instigated invasions in the Near and Mid East.
Northwest · M
I am rarely concerned about the person who reads many books. I am however terrified of the person who only reads one book.
Northwest · M
@noc: seriously, anyone claiming that 100 million Americans are unemployed should not be expected to be taken seriously.
Northwest · M
@acpguy: nice speech, but so far, I only see two negative comments. One from you, totally unrelated to my post, and one from npc.
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