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I Want to Keep a Journal

I've been meaning to start a SW diary for a while now, where I could write everything I can't put on paper irl where somebody could find it and read it. However I wasn't doing much with my life, so I had nothing to write about.

In this log I want to track my daily acts of courage, things that I was afraid of doing, but have done it anyway. Hopefully it will help me build my confidence and just become a better version of myself.
The two concerns I have with this is: one I'm going to stop after 2 days and it will remain in the past as a failed experiment or two, I'm not going to learn anything and this will be just a romanticized waste of time.

Hm, I have an idea. In order to not stop after two days, I'm going to put an expiration date to it. Twenty days. Afterwards if I want to this could create a different problem. The daily log in's could get me addicted to SW all over again and that's bad.
Might be playing with fire here, but I'll give myself another chance to prove self-control. It could either make it stronger, or destroy my whole system I've got going on so far.
Ok, I'll just keep away from the Q&A section whenever I log in to write a story. I could check the stories section, but not Q&A. At least not for as long as I log in to write in my journal.

Also, if by any chance any of you is reading this, you can write down below challenges for me to do and hopefully, if this exercise works as I envision it, you could read about it in a daily entrance at some point in the future.
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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
I keep a journal, but not here. Journaling is hugely important for self reflection.

But here I write stories about my life. So my EP/SW "journal" is event based and jumps from event to event. My other journal is all feelings and emotions and questions to myself about what the hell I'm doing and stuff like that.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Dan193 Dan... I have books dedicated to my little Miss Yulia, including one I made from her old posts! I've written fiction about her in here (lemme know if you want a link)... Yes, she is in my journals. 🙂
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@sarabee1995 ok, show me the fiction, that sounds interesting
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Dan193 My intent was to write a whole series on two fictional characters, Sera and Julia 🤣. I never got past the first chapter because Yulia went on a hiatus from SW just as I posted chapter one. But here it is.

And this was written before I entered the Navy.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
if you want to know what it's like to keep a diary here, go to my profile,look in my collections and read Plague Diary, for a start.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@sarabee1995 Yeah, I did, saw u in there a lot too. You are definitely a fan. Read some other stories too. Good writing @Yulianna
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@Dan193 thank you
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Yulianna you know what, actually thank you 🙇‍♂️
Peaches · F
I used to keep a journal for years, but I don't like people reading it so I threw it away and never did another one.👀
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Peaches why not burn it instead? Like at a camp fire. Read a page, rip it and throw it in the flame, then the next one, until u recap all your life.
LadyGrace · 70-79
This is exactly as I do, but without pressuring myself to do so. I love to journal my thoughts and share them. Not for my sake, but in the event they may help someone along their journey in life. I only write when inspired. It is a true blessing. I hope you'll continue to write and enjoy it, as well.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@LadyGrace Thank you, and yes I try to keep adding to the journal I started here.
Also I like writing experiences on here, because if I would ever lose my memory, I would have something to fill up some of the gaps.
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
Motivates me to want to journal more
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@MrsCurious I need to get back to writing more on it as well.
Incognitochick · 46-50, F
How did this work out? You procrastinate a lot it seems
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Incognitochick too many new things to do. And yeah

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