What dose it mean by provoking images and texts
Dathglas · 22-25, M
things that make you think about the world and your life and stuff

Oh ok
Dathglas · 22-25, M
you would know what I meant if you have been my friend for a while on here

Well I would to get to know you

Yeah it's sad when you're EP friends leave, and yeah you're actually a very cool and interesting person, you're one of those people I would like to meet in real life one day lol tbh, and I hope you're not gonna be one of those people who would leave EP cause that would suuuuucckk lol
Dathglas · 22-25, M
haha, well thank you lol I never knew you thought that. your one of those friends who you just have that you just comment on there posts and they read yours and that's it, but thank you, as I now see that so.some actually reads my long, big thought posts

Yep lol, there are 2 types of EP friends, 1 when they message you, 2 when they read you're posts and comments on it, and i'm pretty much number 2 lol