Martin. There is a reality and there is a rigidity of holding that reality. There is a big difference. And that is what the quote is speaking of. There are some people who will hold on to their reality with such rigidity they will refuse to see any alternative perspective. And there are different perspectives, there are new answers to many things emerging regularly that would change what we know.......so on and on.

Martin. Read your response, and then read my post. And see if it makes sense to you. :)

Martin - not all. There are plenty who keep an open mind.
Good one. Always try to keep an open mind.

Sterling - that made me giggle.

@Aido Always happy to make a lady laugh. 😉

Martin. The whole point of it being a quote with a different name is that it is not mine. I think the point about being rigid is a given from how it is phrased.
psynchedpsyche212 · 36-40, M

*cough* Religious people. *cough*
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
yet we all suffer from it, otherwise we wouldn't believe what we believe
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Hmm... Not from my point of view but perhaps to some :)
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
yeah but you have to understand, that there's only one reality, there can't be two realities. So when you hold a belief, you accept that as at least a temporary only reality, otherwise that only means that you're not really believing anything about it at all.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
yes a open mind sure, but I mean that you do have a belief of some sort and you have it because you believe it is right, having a open mind is simply to allow others to influence your beliefs, but you will still hold some sort of belief. That's interesting...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Oh, well you should have put "and won't consider anything else no matter what" in the text then :o