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I Am a Survivor of Domestic Violence

On July 6th 2016 I was arrested for domestic violence against my then wife. At the time of my arrest my wife was 60 miles away at her job. I know because I dropped her off. Both arresting officers never saw her until the next day. I was arrested at home after her phone call to the sheriff's dept in the town where we lived. 6 days later I appear in court. Im still in custody and cant bailout because I have nowhere to go. There is now a restraining order that bars me from going home. I was accused of beating her in the face and head with two shotguns. And,shooting at her from two feet away with both guns at point blank range. She doesn't own body armor either. So multiple times she appears in court with not a scar, bruise, or stitch on her body. Obviously, not shot from point blank range. There is no medical report or pictures to verify this story. While in custody she files for divorce. That means there is an injunction to not remove any property. Thankfully the land and house are NOT community property in the state in which I live. One of the officers admitted on video recording that he knows she lied. I've been in custody six months now. At the second divorce hearing the judge orders her to vacate my home, which she does a month later. I bailout of jail. When I get home, I immediately see that something is wrong. Solar panels are not on the hill near my house. When I enter my house, the damage is indescribable! I called sheriff's dept. They come and video tape the house interior. I submitted 100's of before pictures. When I say she took EVERYTHING I mean just that. The walls had multiple holes and wiring pulled out and cut. All of the plumbing was broken in the house and under the house. At the final divorce hearing in February of this year(2017) I brought this all up. She admitted to destroying the house and stealing everything. $20k in actual damage to the home, and the theft of $65k in artwork and musical instruments. wasn't paid. I was in jail. The sheriff's dept charged her FIVE times because DA kept losing paper work or whatever. Then finally in May the DA says sue her its a civil matter WTF! Long story short....3 days before my trial the judge dismisses my case for repeated violations of my constitutional rights. She walks free. My lawyers private investigator found out before my trial that I was the 5th husband she has done this too. I thought I was husband number two. Not only that. Two of the husbands lived in different countries. So...I sued the DA and two arresting officers. This case went all the way to the state Supreme Court where I live. I lost. WTF!!!
The reason: the defendants stated they did not INTENTIONALLY violate my rights. Complete immunity for saying THAT. I get a call last Monday from a lawyer who has been handling a case in court for me that is in probate. 18 years! It is finally over. The slaveowner who owned my great-grandfather gave him 4000 acres of farmland in 1873. It passed from oldest son to oldest son. 38 of my cousin's protested and settled for $5000 each. The farm has been up and running over 80 years. On January 3rd 2018 the property will be signed over to me, along with 20 million dollars. I have since done most of the repairs to the house my ex-wife damaged. I have donated it to a womans organization for abused women.
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Curiousme · 56-60, M
It is amazing thst a cooked-up story reached so far!
I hope that you ok now!
@Curiousme If you could of seen the damage. Unbelievable! Didn't deserve it. Everything I had went into this place for retirement. Doesn't matter now. I've been blessed.
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@SW-User thank you for reading my story. Some guys are innocent. I was in jail with a few. All three district attorney's were women, as was both judges.
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I'm so sorry you went through all that. Thanks for sharing your story and thank you also for your willingness to donate your home to abused women. Having just finally found the strength to leave an abusive marriage after 22 years, I know the value of such donations. Blessings to you.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
I’m so glad you are ok now. I agree and believe in Karma. Something happened to me and my husband and I can only sit back and wait. You prevailed!
@BlueRain thank you for reading my story. It's all true and life is good.
Karma, no one can escape it.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
@RenaissanceMan very true. Sending you peace.
@BlueRain thank you
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
Your story definitely shows how messed up our judicial system is. I’m sorry you went through this, but glad everything turned out ok for you in the end.
@HeavenBesideYou very ok now! Thank you for reading this. Not all men are abusers.
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
@RenaissanceMan Yes I know, that goes both ways too. There are some crappy ass people in the world. All we can do is not be one of them.
@SW-User thank you for reading.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Glad you have kept your sanity and positive attitude. Best wishes going forward.
@GJOFJ3 Thank you so much for reading. Please feel free to share it. There's a lot more to the story about my treatment in jail. But that's history and I'm doing well now.
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@sspec Thank you
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May this world be saved. __()__ Namaste to you too.
@sspec Thank you for reading.
Life is good. Karma.
Foxyfoxfox · 51-55, F
Holy moly! Glad you came out on top, after all that!
@Foxyfoxfox thank you for reading the story. It was the worst experience of my life. It was a lesson in forgiveness for me. And, now I have more than I will ever need or want.
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
Wow. Just wow. I'm sorry.
@Barelygettingby Thank you for reading. It was an unbelievable experience for me. I have no faith in the judicial system anymore! I am happy now. Happy because I now have the financial resources to help more people. My ex-wife now lives in a shack on the side of a dirt road. Karma maybe?
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
Sometimes Karma works her magic when we least expect it.
LindaM · 61-69, F
omg thats quite the story...
Peaches · F
WOW! 😟I'm glad it's all over now, what an unbelievable story?! We have a friend that gets beat up by his wife but he won't report it. He finally snapped and pulled an unloaded gun on her and she took a picture of him doing that with her phone.😢A friend took a picture of him with the black eyes she gave him a few weeks earlier, so they are trying to find him to help out. He's in jail!!!!
@Peaches Thank you for reading my story. It was a very bad experience, especially suffering the obvious bias of the judicial system. But all is well now. What she took and destroyed is nothing in comparison to what I have been blessed with!
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Woah. What a story. I am sorry you married such a hideous person. I am glad you donated the house to a worthwhile organization. And you are still living. Thanks for sharing.
@PoetryNEmotion karma has taken care of this situation. I am very happy and content.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Omg! I despise that some people are THIS level of crazy AND get away with it. Didn’t anyone succeed against her? Can’t she be branded for life what she did was CRIMINAL!!!!!!!! And unjust!!!!!!
Mindful · 56-60, F
Ahhhhh Okay now that explains it. That part of Europe has abused /exploited women for thousands of years. And felt sorry for them at the same time :-( And women have given in to their need to survive[, it doesn’t excuse but explains.@RenaissanceMan]
@Mindful The men are hard on women there. Very dominating. However, like you said it doesn't excuse that type of behavior. I'm doing very well now. What she took is a drop in the bucket in comparison to what I gained. The ability to prosper so much that I have the ability to help many others on a daily basis. My plan this summer is to have a few benefit concerts for charities here at my estate. If you're familiar with Texas, I sit right on Lake Sam Rayburn. I have a friend who lives in the West wing of the home who has invested in the property who also has the same idea.
When you have more than you need I believe it must be shared.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Thank you. And it’s good that I don’t have too—so I’m not worried about you.I was just incensed and was railing against a wrong-doer. I’m so glad you came out okay, and leased that you are able to turn this around to help others. My concern is that she might be able to deceive another. Is she at all repentant? If it bothers you to think about it, please don’t. I’m a student of humanity. Re: Rayburn, yes a very lovely place. Your story is an interesting one. I’m curious about it...the property I was looking at was in Garland. We’re losing native land to investers . Bitter-sweet kind of thing@RenaissanceMan
Teirdalin · 31-35

It's kind of incredibly messed up that she got away with all of that; as you still ended up paying the damages, theft, and had to go through that nonsense.
okaybut · 56-60, M
Holy shit... This should be made into a movie. Thank God it worked out in the end. Congrats for standing up.
@okaybut It was a mind blowing experience. I survived and won in the end. She has nothing. And, has to work for a living. No more smoking weed all day, lounging in the sun, and watering the greenhouse for work. Lol
abe182 · 51-55, M
Shit. Well at least it ended well. I hope you are rid of her forever.
@abe182 she lives in a shack next to the road in the next town over. Gotta work and pay bills now. Diagnosed with cancer two months ago. KARMA. I have forgiven her. I can't live with hate.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Well I’ve just read this for the first time so I’m not ready to forgive and forget although that is usually my outcome. But no, not in this case. She’s either crazy or intentional, but it’s state prosecuto’s civil duty to bar her from hurting others!!!@RenaissanceMan
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