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I F You Don'T Have Something Nice To Say Don'T Speak

Yeah. I mean we are entitled to every opinion, but why being mean?
Would you gain anything good from it?
If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't waste your time typing.
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Excuse me for replying your previous question in a respectful way. You making this post is hypocritical. I didn't speak down on your beliefs, I answered for my own part. If that's the same as having nothing nice to say, it's saying more about your openness towards those thinking differently than you, than them speaking out for themselves with regards on a question asked by you in an open community. You might consider adding a disclaimer pointing out who's allowed replying on your questions in the future.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Ouch. :-)
@NigelDoes: Well, anyone is entitled to blame me being rude if I am, but being targeted as a "bully" just because I answer a question with sincerity, honesty and respect won't go without me calling BS.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Oi, I'm with you mate! 😸
well said. most of the times silence helps
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
ok, so why ARE you here?
Thanos · 31-35, M
Well i don't think that's gonna stop mean comments from aholes
@BeautifulSadness: That is her business and she is entitled doing so. I'd not call her irrelevant. Her opinion is worth as much as mine and yours. But making such statement and pointing at me (among others), won't be left without me calling it out as BS.
Thanos · 31-35, M
@SapphicHeart: its ok i don't think she'll be getting back on this site again
@BeautifulSadness: She'll be welcomed by me. I just suggest her being more open minded and less sensitive if she want to ask questions, or at least make a disclaimer if she doesn't want replies by those different from herself.

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