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I Go to a Boarding School

Our life at boarding school is organised by strict routine.

A rising bell wakes us at 7.10am on a school day. If you are in the half of the house that has showers scheduled for the morning, you go along to the bathroom to wash. If not, you can be a bit more leisurely in getting up and ready. Breakfast is served in the refectory from 7.45-8.30am. We have to be washed, dressed in our uniforms, and sat in our form rooms by 8.50am.

Lessons end at 4.00pm. From 4.00-5.30pm we can do sports, hobbies, or just relax with our friends. We are allowed to change out of our uniforms, but I never do unless I am playing a sport. Dinner is served from 5.30-7.00pm, depending on your age group.

After dinner, we have 1-2 hours of homework, again depending on your age. In our house we are old enough to do it unsupervised, but if our big sisters (the two sixth formers who live with us) think we are messing around, we may end up doing it sat on the carpet in their study room 😒

After homework, there is time for watching TV, reading a book, or chatting with your friends. If you are in the half of the house scheduled to shower in the evening, you make time for that and get changed into your night clothes afterwards. At 9.30pm we all start to get ready for bed. Lights go out at 10.00pm for my age group. Big sisters come round to each dorm to check up on us and turn off the lights.

This is the routine 5 and a half days a week (we get Saturday afternoon to ourselves). On Sunday we are allowed to lie in. There are church services for those who wish to attend them, moral debate for the rest of us miserable sinners!

Every so often, there is a pyjama day at the weekend when you can wear your night clothes all day if you want 😌
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Nikki921 · F
@Camilla2008 me either
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