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I Go to a Boarding School

Tonight 5 of the girls in one of our dorms have swapped beds with 5 girls in another dorm. I know about this because they have been planning and whispering about it since at least Saturday. But when I go to switch off their lights in a few minutes I need to pretend that I don't know and haven't noticed, so their big surprise is not spoiled 😌

I will officially "find out" tomorrow morning! 😃
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eftelingrose · 26-30, F
Oh my gosh. This is so funny! 🙂 What a good big sister you are to these girls in playing along with them and not ruining their (hopefully) harmless joke!

Here is an interesting YouTube video that was a social experiment involving ten girls aged 10-11 who were filmed being alone in a house for about a week without adults. They were adorable to watch, but the worldliness of some of them surprised me! Two of my favorite scenes are towards the beginning, when it is during the first night, and one girl decides to steal another girl’s duvet from one bedroom, and takes it to her own. The part that made me laugh out loud was when the girls from the room where the duvet was taken all stand outside the door of the one who stole it, saying as a group (with some of them in dress-up clothes!) “We want our duvet! We want our duvet!”. The other funny part was when the girls accidentally let in a stray cat, and a lot of them crowded around the cat, and began to pet it. Two of the other girls claimed that they “would go ballistic” if the cat stayed in the house overnight”. Thank goodness that they decided to release the cat not long after! Watching this video made me think of you, and the craziness that you must have to put up with sometimes! I hope that you enjoy if you have time, and feel free to let me know what you think! Lots of love from me to you! ☺💖💖💖
eftelingrose · 26-30, F
@eftelingrose I just have to add in reference to “Boys Alone”... Save the hedgehogs, don’t Hunt the Hedgehog! I went to a petting zoo this past Saturday while I have been visiting the North Woods region of the US, and in the nursery area of the zoo, there were two pens of baby hedgehogs! 💖 There were three babies sleeping in a little secure trinity at the back of their cage. However, I still decided to reach my hand in (it was allowed by the employees if a cage door was already open!). When I went to stroke the back of one of the hedgehogs, I was surprised by how the quills were not quite as spiky as I anticipated, and they were more like grains of dried rice, as they were rounded-off. At about the moment I touched him or her, though, I almost instantly regretted it, as it shuddered like a child, and I felt as if she was saying “Oh!” in alarm. 😞 I gave her an apology, and came back to the cage a little later. This time, the hedgehogs had more energy, and walked around, scratched themselves like a dog or a rabbit, and even ate some dried corn and bits of a cake cone that I dropped in for them earlier. I was told by one of the employees that it was rare for the hedgehogs to have this energy during the day, as they tend to be nocturnal animals. I took this as a good thing, and that the creatures were reciprocating my feelings of love and awe for them! 🤗 Here they are asleep in the trinity as the cutest things! 💖
Again, Save the Hedgehogs! They’re like children. ☺
TammieBear · 22-25, F
@eftelingrose They are so cute 🤗 I don't know what it is about hedgehogs, but they seem destined to be bullied and harassed by boys and other animals 🙄 My neighbour's cat used to terrorise hedgehog visitors to our garden. He would steal the water and biscuits we left out for them (admittedly they were cat biscuits) and when he found one he would frighten it into rolling up in a ball and the roll it around the garden with his paws like a football 😟
eftelingrose · 26-30, F
I am so glad that you think they are cute! I know, hedgehogs always seem to be at the mercy of boys and predator animals. 😕 That is sad that your neighbor’s cat found fun in terrorizing the hedgehogs who came to your garden. The meanie, taking the food that was rightfully theirs... Ugh! And then he kicks them around like a football! 😫 A little bear cub or little bunny wouldn’t dare do such a thing! Thank you for your prior help in aiding the hedgehogs, my dear sister! 💖
liondog · 51-55, M
Bless their cotton socks.
TammieBear · 22-25, F
@liondog Their cotton socks are scrunched up and scattered all over the floor, the little horrors! 😄
Sorry 2 Ask :( But Are There Any Autistic Students In Your Boarding School? :) I'm Asking Because I'm Autistic And I Went 2 An Ordinary School And Got Bullied :( They Use 2 Say They Would Eat Me And Say They Would Push Me Down The Stairs And Flick Elastic Bands At Me And Force Me 2 Jump Up And Down While Saying Potato :(

But I Think (I Might Be Wrong) Bullying Is Less Likely 2 Happen In A Boarding School <3 *God Bless Everyone*
TammieBear · 22-25, F
@SW-User Yes, there are autistic students at our school. I used to get bullied at my old school, but life is much better here because there is no toleration of bullying and there are staff with training to help more vulnerable people 🙂

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