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I Am In a Relationship But I Don't Feel Loved

I had a shitty birthday. My own best friend wouldn't join my family and friends for lunch because her boyfriend expects her to be available to him at his every whim.

And don't get me started on my husband. He thinks social media is stupid, so he refuses to wish me a happy birthday on my page. Just a card and a "have a nice day" text.
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sounds like my last birthday except I didnt have a bunch of extended family and friends around... just one friend who hates my husband and my husband who hates my one friend and doesnt like me enough to even give me a card or post something to f.b. he had one of his female friends pick out a gift for me from the store she manages and she sent me a msg with that choice. sounds all of that to say - if you have family and friends who love you and genuinely celebrate your bday with you then you are lucky and I would cherish what you do have....
LemonSqueezer · 51-55, F
I'm so sorry to read what you went through. To delegate gift giving? What an ass... I'm grateful for spending the day with my friends and what little family I have left. But my very best friend? That burned. How about next year we whoop it up?
I love social media for chatting. But I hate to receive birthday wishes or anything of the nature publicly. I think it's more personal f2f and "putting it out there" for the world to see is not validation but rather cheapens the true sentiment. If some one expects me to make things like that public so they feel validated then it ruins the moment for me. I so wish people would get "over" Facebook and crap and live life in the real world. Maybe you should ask and listen to his reasons before you condemn him because you want "everyone to see". Sometimes things are more special between two people instead of "399" friends. I keep my friends list down to 20 because their not close enough for everyday personal communication. Talk to him and listen.
LemonSqueezer · 51-55, F
I did ask. I did listen. I know his reasons. It's nice to be remembered by loved ones on your special day. Believe me, if I even got an "I love you, happy birthday, honey," I'd be overjoyed. But that didn't happen. Compound that by the incredibly low self-esteem of my dearest friend...
That or even a crappy little greeting card goes a long way to acknowledging the special day
I'm sorry. I assumed he atleast wished you bday. Sorry your so under appreciated. I do everything for my wife I can.
Sorry to hear your birthday was a downer. Hope this week brings better times your way.
Don't know why I hearted this...solidarity I suppose...Happy Birthday :-)
LemonSqueezer · 51-55, F
thanks hun xoxox
Andie, I am sorry your special day was shitty. Happy belated birthday and accept a virtual hug. If I were there, I would pour your a nice glass of red wine, and rub your feet to relax you. They when you are done, I would tie you to the four posts of the bed and give you "your presents"
LemonSqueezer · 51-55, F
??really Bob?
Expecting the second consecutive shitty birthday👎
LemonSqueezer · 51-55, F
sorry :(
He`s a jerk. Sorry to be blunt. But he is.

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