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I Love America...........But...........Not Chinese #2

I had posted this at an earlier date but got not so bright feed back from people that it is impossible to buy American made products. So I am posting it again however I have included at the bottom "some" sites to look at and there are a lot more if you are not lazy and care about this country.

It is time the people of this country grow a pair and stop supporting the Chinese taking over our country. We have stop buying Chinese made junk. Let companies like Amazon, Nike, Under Armor and others know we will no longer buy China crap. Suck it up as it might cause you stop buying online and go without some items or spend more to get quality items made in the USA. Some items like you smart phone may not be available as most if any are not made here but our manufacturers will get the message over time and we will hire more people. We have to quit supporting retailers that sell Chinese slave labor and using child labor to make our items. Let retailers know you do not want Chinese, ask them before you buy if the item is made in China and refuse to buy it.

People have to stop being lazy and look. My wife said "well find running tights made in the USA then" Here is what I found: "BOA Running Leggings and Capris - Made in the USA"

And there were other sites as follows, easy 5 second search I found this:

"Products Made in the USA Directory"

"Made in America products"

"Made In America Store"

"Made in the USA for your Kitchen"
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Driver2 · M
Thanks I do look for US made there out there.

Let’s not forget they use most of the money to get their products here and put less into quality and zero into safety.
acpguy · C
@Driver2 Very true.
SliderJim · 70-79, M
Thanks for the info!

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