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I Have Misanthropic Tendencies

My family and my handful of friends, most of whom I keep at arms length, is more than enough for me. I have no interest in making new friends. But it seems like a lot of people get jobs really easily or discounted prices or meet celebrities from having friends.

MY MOM:"That's why it's important to meet new people. When you get to know them, they'll invite you places and tell you all kinds of things that other people might not know, offer free tickets to shows..."
ME: "'s important to make friends so you can use them?"

Lesson learned.

Unfortunately, I don't have the energy to pretend to like people and I'm not even at the level of feeling comfortable enough to ask someone where the nearest bathroom is, so that's not happening.

I wonder what a coma is like...
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Sepia · 36-40, F
You can never tell if the people whom you have known the longest are or will be faithful to your the new ones and you can know some of yourself through them.
LadyAlera · 31-35, F
@Sepia Thanks!
kayoshin · 41-45, M
She's not wrong. Networking is beneficial. Not for everyone though, I'm bad at it too. Don't go in a coma :)
LadyAlera · 31-35, F
@kayoshin I mean, I'd love to own a nice piece of land and stay away from humanity and all that stressful stuff but...I feel like a coma might be cheaper and less painful, I dunno. ^_^
kayoshin · 41-45, M
Do you think you have the survival skills to live away from society? Honest question.
LadyAlera · 31-35, F
@kayoshin No. But I've always felt that learning through experience and in solitude has been more effective for me. Also I think living outside the system would be simpler. Everything I'd do would benefit my own living without having to give a percentage to anyone else. But of course, this is just as fantastical as living in a mansion while owning five sports cars.
the actual problem here is you, not the other people
LadyAlera · 31-35, F
@YukikoAmagi That's always the problem.
@LadyAlera world will keep rotating without you anyway.. it's not a loss, so.. enjoy your tiny room
LadyAlera · 31-35, F
@YukikoAmagi It's a good thing you said that. I was on the verge of writing a very moving, detailed novel on my deep but intellectual theory about the apocalyptic connections between The Superior Human entity (me) and surrounding celestial bodies.

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