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I Hope I Am There At The End Of The World

I had this dream,it appeared as if the ocean was getting violent and it looked like there was going to be a tsunami, or something, but this was not happening from the beach or the sea side but from a dam or a resevoir of some sort, some sort of artificial structure built to hold large bodies of salty fresh water.In the dream I was very certain that I had to calm this situation, otherwise lots of people would die, like a natural catastrophe of some sort. In the dream I seemed to be some sort of hero who knew what to do, and that the water from the oceans were a huge threat as these are the last days. This is not the first time I'm getting dreams about large water bodies... The last time I had a dream about the water from the river standing tall towards the sky exposing the river bed instead of lying flat as water is normally known to do. Does any one who analyses dream symbols have any idea as to what this dream could mean? It would be helpful as I have a lot of these recurring dreams that make it harder to get back to sleep,and I keep being unable to concentrate on daily tasks because I keep wondering about how to prevent what happened in the dream on a subconscious level even in my waking life. I used to get a lot of dreams about the end of the world but I'm on schizophrenia medication and that seems to have stopped altogether or gotten slightly lesser.
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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I think dreams can be our unconscious throwing up bits of thoughts on issues.. And othertimes, just a dream..
VictoryOrValhalla · 31-35, M
Luckily if the sea is violent there won’t be a tsunami. The tell tale sign of a tsunami is the sea will retreat from shore by about a couple hundred yards and will be dead calm
@VictoryOrValhalla I'm not sure about the tsunami part, but I do have a lot of dreams about water of late. Not a lake or a pond but huge oceans...water bodies..if you get my drift. I keep feeling haunted by these dreams,and that bad karma (coming from bad choices on my part) are leading to these dreams.
@WhisperinAngelic101 look up "primary process" and "archetypes" and read up and then google something something like "archetypes...water" or "primary proces ..water images" and if you use Google Scholar you will get some interesting literature.
Maybe its like "Apres moi le deluge"...

Maybe its like...after anothing "normal".
@Elevatorpitches Possibly.
@PhoenixPhail I wonder what she would say?
Goralski · 56-60, M
Was d hero Aquaman
JammieDodgerHeart · 26-30, F
It seems to me like water reserves and damns you dream of and the theme of prevention could possibly mean that there is something happening in your life that you want to prevent although it is hard to do, because it's this massive wave like a tsunami?

Something you don't want rising to the surface? But it's coming anyway?

I may be wrong but that's my guess
@JammieDodgerHeart You might be right...
xSharp · 31-35, M
i had a dream where the sky looked orange and it was burning, like what the top of a pot of boiling water would look like.
@xSharp what do you tell yourself when you have dreams like that?
xSharp · 31-35, M
@WhisperinAngelic101 well that was just the end before i woke up, until then i was in a crowded airport full of panicked people looking for my family, we were separated, i asked someone if they could give me directions and they told me there was no time, thats when i looked out the window.
That's a very interesting dream.

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