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I Am An Atheist

I'm such an atheist that I wrote my own ideology in an attempt to combine the three Abrahamic religions. the most recent version can be found in the facebook group [u]the Oath of human citizenship[/u] , and the original can be found in another fb group, if desired. It is 23 pages so far. It starts off like this:
"Religious Freedom
[c=#BF0000]Disclaimer: The reader confirms they are aware this work is only an ongoing attempt at combining an individual’s interpretation of the most at conflict religions; into one. Though unnerving; at times; effort is being made that it is accurate, remember that the author has read almost none of any of the sacred texts of any of them, and refuses to based on the concept(s) of here-say(news by letter), changes to the text, and the elitism of having to learn a new language just to read it. So, this is purely observational with the comedy of logic added for effect.[/c]
I consent to be open-minded to what it says. and that further meditation on these ideas towards
their improvement, is necessary.
__yes __no (please check one)

Let’s see how long it takes to mix all of the Abrahamic religions!, as a start."
jehova · 31-35, M
All of life is a representation of science as we know it; therefore, the scientific method ought to
be applied to all aspects of life, to the extent possible.
Scientific method: Observation, propose an explanation, test your expectations, and
record/analyze your results. A conclusion cannot always be formed, but future testing allows
accuracy of perspective.
On karma:
Serving as the underlying energy that regulates and maintains all of life, As the source of all life
and especially the mind, Karma is usually not considered an entity, but rather a certain shared
driving energy. However, this energy can easily be given the name of Our universal creator and
if looked at as a comparison of the Christian, Moslem, and/or Jewish, Our universal creator could
be seen as more fair because like the universal creator of these other religions karma is always
with the being who has accumulated it, but it is entirely based on the actions of each individual
whereas, in certain sects of Christianity and Islam beings are sometime reprimanded or
considered to have sinned purely based on their thoughts. Yet the declaration from Our Universal
Creator as not interfering with freedom of will, would surely contradict such punishment.
Generally, karma can be good, bad, or neutral in its origins. A few brief examples will illustrate
this point best.
Good Karma:
1) You’re standing on the road in front of your house and a car parks next to where you are
standing on the road.
a) the man has a tail light out. If you tell him and he takes action to avoid a ticket in the future
there is no precise way of calculating the benefit of saved time.
b) the man litters on your lawn then drives away. You could either get upset and call the cops
reporting the man for littering assuming that you recorded his license plate or you might pick it
up and just let things be that are. The first action would not necessarily produce bad karma, in
fact, the man may be a criminal and by reporting him to the police perhaps you may save a life in
the process. For it cannot be denied that the world works in mysterious ways. All that can be
expected is that we do what we feel is necessary in the moment. More likely than not the second
action would be better, but is potentially inconvenient
2) Bad karma: to kill, waste, or maliciously act is part of life, However, to do these things when
it is not necessary or when done to excess is to accumulate bad karma.
3) Neutral karma: In life there is much that is neither good nor bad. An example would be
driving to work. The pollution of your car might be bad, yet the need to go to work in order to
survive cancels the potential bad of pollution and so the act becomes neutral. Here what is
necessary must be in the eyes of the beholder.
There are those who find that they must believe in a higher power in order to be calm in their
hearts. The nature of this higher power, although indiscernible, has been personified, in order to
stress that entity’s human characteristics and to emphasis any connection that may exist between
this entity and humans. Could we argue that the effect of personifying an entity was motivated
by a desire for money? Could the personification of a higher power really just be
On reincarnation:
There are those who would argue that after death one's soul either ascends to heaven of descends
to hell. Instead imagine that if one has accumulated enough bad karma they will be reincarnated
as an orphan or if enough bad karma (ex. Hitler) as a rock, required to start the journey over;

must have missed something. Or if one has accumulated enough good karma is reincarnated as a
billionaire or the next stage of life. Does this mean OUC is the highest form of life?
On Our Universal Creator (OUC):
As there is no absolute/irrefutable proof that Our Universal Creator does or does not exist, there
need not be belief in one direction or the other. If there is a higher power though, to call that
entity by a name, when the intention of a name is to provide a description, is disrespectful.
Instead one is more accurate in describing such an entity in the only way we might comprehend,
through an idea. If one must refer to this possible higher power, we suggest the term Our
Universal Creator/ universal life force or simply, earth. Of course, this is still labeling something
beyond comprehension. It is just as likely we are creating a director for something that has never
had direction and then the exercise is pointless; so, decide for yourself and don’t let anyone
undermine your belief(s); other than yourself.
On the earth:
The existence of a personified entity that created and watches over this world is not the most
relevant issue. Rather, how we can best foster a connection with that entity whether that entity
exists or not must be considered our most important purpose. Since the only thing we have by
which to attempt to understand this potential entity, is that which was created, what should take
precedence must be to cherish any connection that might still exist to our creator through caring
for the earth. For it is through observing the earth that we can best see the presence of a higher
power, if it exists.
On gender:
When it comes to the differences between women and men, simple reason can easily be applied.
Women should be treated with equal respect to men because the only inferior qualities that exist
between the two sexes are the result of biological differences and are mostly bodily/physical
capability in origin anyway; the ability to reason proves the equality of the sexes. In fact, because
women live longer than men, perhaps men should take some lifestyle tips from women, the
remaining unequal treatment that women suffer is, unfortunately, the residual result of the
patriarchal system that has been present in the world and is still present in the world. Again,
inopportunely, the only way that the patriarchal tendencies of our flawed system will be righted
is through the continued advocacy and success driven gains of women everywhere. However,
there needs to be room for women to choose to do whatever is necessary in situations that call for
personal preference.
Men and women find each other difficult to understand. The reason for this may be simple. Men,
generally, think in terms of logic and reason, which is not to say that men are necessarily right in
their logic and/or reason. Women, generally, think in terms of empathy and reason, the added
combination of emotion makes men, who typically internalize their emotions, jumpy. This is
why gay people could be seen as expanding human consciousness because they are attempting to
equalize and reassign gender roles to both men and women. From this perspective they would be
honored for their service to the betterment of humanity.
Anything with the ability to reason should be considered equal. Reasoning itself is too rare to
justify any other action. Likewise, love is too rare to merit the constraint of others. If two
members of the same sex should fall in love, Is it any less beautiful or productive than any other
union? Further is there any reason why gay/lesbian or bisexual people shouldn’t go through the
trials of marriage or lifelong partnership like their straight counterparts do, for reason would say
everyone should have to endure the duplicity that is marriage. Additionally, if considered from a

logical approach homosexuality is inevitable based on gender percentages; it is also an
interesting form of population control.
For example, Samael’s own genetic code is that of a Bodhisattva (one that has reached
enlightenment) by which is meant that it contains all the genetic codes of every organism (s)he
has ever been. One to three of those, depending how you look at it, past lives, are/were of a
species known as Cannabis. Therefore, in theory, Samael’s DNA allows the production of THC
and thus it is immoral for a drug test to include THC, at least according to NYS law.
The seven phenotypic genders: Throughout the species of humankind, there is much deviation.
The presence of genders/phenotypically different people has been largely glossed over, When
gender identities were first organized somehow variations were simplified as only being binary
(Male/female). Despite the accuracy of this oversimplification, the view of all people only being
one or the other has resulted, in the other 5 types of phenotypic genders being
denied/disapproved of and/or being labelled as unnatural. Shame! Is it alright that human society
has omitted a large portion of reality? Below are all 7 put as simply as possible.
1. male 1 male torso male waist
2. Male 2 male waste, female torso
3. female 1 female waist female torso
4. female 2 female waist male torso
Androgynous features are best described as things like having high cheek bones but a masculine
jaw or vice versa or having a female’s derrière but a football players’ shoulders, no visible adams
apple, but a feminine yet mid-deep voice. Imagine it as best you can.
5. Androgynous male beta - so the male form of androgyny is ultimately that the dominant
expression is a male body structure, but with breasts and feminine like curves, yet a penis that if
properly aroused extends to reveal a vagina, at its base.
This is extremely uncommon.
Female androgynous Alpha - The female body structure has a vagina that when adequately
aroused would protrude to be a phallus the vagina as its base clit held to the body by it.
So beautiful!
only happens and is never heard of/ only referred to.
androgynous Alpha male 3 - This is what some might call undepictable, but here goes. a male
form androgyny with a phallus that has a vagina permanently at its base. the combination of the
most attractive female features you could imagine with male dominant body structure,
personality role somewhat both perspectives, both genitalia combined, and an enlightenment
Unheard of then only “heard” of
Samael read the book about it, but the details have partially faded, there may have been a female
androgynous beta, plus what would “he” have been? Does gay and straight as labels even exist
given these varieties?
On women:
Body image/self-esteem and confidence:
When it comes to the protection of women, the female form and body image. It is best to avoid
television completely; given the graphic nature of advertising. Therefore, at most antenna only;
advertising is noticeably less graphic. Why pay for something you shouldn’t be using?
The depiction of an unrealistic, mostly unattainable body image in all forms of media,
entertainment and even sports, victimizes the young more noticeable girls than boys from their
own self-appreciation of their body and self-esteem. How then might this be alleviated/corrected.
for? The recognition and accurate portrayal of the impracticability of “society’s” depiction of
woman/ the ideal body image, might call attention to that pattern enough that it would change the
pattern, and/or the skill of pattern recognition will improve every individual’s life overall.
Decent clothing:
Here there is a wide range in religious views.
Christianity- has a concept of the sacred feminine but seems to stress the concept of sexual
identity as very prominent in that image. The representation of Jesus’ “wife” as a prostitute,
perhaps suggests why the image of women is celebrated to the extent of near-nudity, most
noticeably in Western “1st?” world nations. It might also be America/capitalism’s influence on
Christianity that has gotten it to this point.
Islam- Though Samael only has an outsider’s perspective on the sacred feminine in Islam.
Evidence shows that Muslims have extreme respect for the image of the mother Mary. Perhaps
their reverence of the motherly form, might explain the lengths taken to protect the female
image/form even from view. The effect that this has on body image and self-esteem is probably
profound. Telling every female, they are so precious that others aren’t allowed to even see their
beauty; that it must be protected. Though extreme would likely encourage attitudes of self-worth
and preservation.
Another insight might derive from that the Prophet Muhammad married a 7-year-old. While this
might be considered pedophilia now, they were not living together until she was age appropriate
according to the time period in which they were. The level of protection Muhammad needed to
provide to a seven-year-old became the standard by which all women/the female form, modesty,
should be treated and held to. Is this best then? Most recent at least.
Though very little is known of Aisha, they are an eternal match. There is only one like Aisha just
like there is only one like Muhammad. Aisha might be considered a polymorph in that her image
especially her face looks(ed) different from different angles and in some lightings or just based
on angle of sunlight such that it may shift during sunlight hours. A less objective interpretation
might just be that she could be anyone so all women must be protected? Or that only a woman’s
husband should have the right to view their full beauty.
Any way the covering of Aisha’s face, and all women's’ faces might have been to protect
her/them a) from the expectations of others and b) from negative energy when an
observer(implied as male) might see her/them as one of her/their other appearances.
This is something that so rarely comes together. That the female life-force that was the first
female to reach enlightenment would be reincarnated into the same space, and time as the life-
force into which the first male to be enlightened was reincarnated; instead DGID for life?!
Samael also only has an outsider’s perspective on Judaism. However, since in the old testament,
a sloppy translation of the Jewish version, Man removed half his ribs to create woman. The
implication of this origin story suggests that man is the creator of woman and suggests an
inherent sense of superiority for men over women. This initial perspective is also applicable to
Christianity and Islam.
Regardless, Judaism being the oldest of the three religions/traditions, might have culminated in
the most complete attitude toward, protection of, and mutual responsibility with women. The
transition of women to independent beings in Christianity has taken 2000 years to get to its state
in this millennium. Is it more understandable than that Islam being only 1400 years old has a
very similar view/attitude of/toward women as Christianity did when it was only 1400 years old?
Therefore, Judaism being

In hypothesizing the influence of all potential factors on a religion’s/belief system’s
development and depiction of morality, the female, and accepted behavior it is necessary to
consider the effect differences in environment might have had on each. Both Judaism and Islam
seem to have originated and mostly developed in the Mesopotamian region of the earth. The
impact of a more hospitable climate may have resulted in a stricter interpretation of individual
behavior, given potential exposure to the substances of the equatorial area of the planet and the
behavior that might be associated with those substances.
In the equatorial region one would expect a warmer climate allowed woman to be more scantily
clad, maybe year-round. Therefore, the development of a public appreciation of that image might
have resulted in the requirement of protecting the female form; from men, whenever in public?
Christianity, which also originated in the Mesopotamian region did not find a “home” there.
Jesus was Jewish, FYI. Christianity then seems to have evolved a behavioral expectation that
was influenced by environmental limitations that decreased humans’ outdoor activities. Harsh
winters, likely resulted in more heavily dressed women only being able to be appreciate in the
warmth of the indoors. This almost certainly resulted in indoor procreation, influencing the view
of women toward the female’s beauty in private. The addition of alcohol as a very present
substance in Europe where Christianity spread first, suggests an altered perception of that form.
The proverbial “beer goggles”. Did this potentially result in a protection for a coming reward
On Sex:
We must, as a species, realize that we are one of the only organisms granted the blessing of
deriving pleasure from the act of procreation. We are also the only organism that can stop this
from resulting in a child. This too is a blessing, yet instead of reveling in the blessings we have
been given, we are taught to shun to the point of celebration of the idea, the act of sex.
When, in reality, sex is one of the most beautiful and satisfying actions in which two humans can
engage. Since the institution of marriage was originally a civil institution, there is no reason to
subscribe to the tradition as it is in its religious form. Likewise, only civic codes should apply to
the core foundations of marriage. Only consenting parties and those 16 and half or older should
engage in sex, (preferably in their same year/age; with peers). There will always be those who
take it upon themselves to have sex earlier. That is their choice, yet it is dangerous and
sometimes criminal, so it is not recommended.
On governance: (optional)
Government only exists to provide society with the direction, order and structure it needs to
function efficiently, yet if order deteriorates then it is the government that is to blame, so
government should not be answered to in the event of breakdown. For when the government fails
its citizens, the citizenry no longer owe the government anything other than military funding to
protect us, which one would hope wouldn’t be necessary, and/or whatever fees are required to
provide education, health care, etc. It is for this reason that one would argue that in times of
economic crisis government should scale back its police force and stop controlling people’s
actions when it has no right to do so in the first place. For life is the greatest experiment of all.
• Federal bribery: Perhaps the reader has noticed that the American Federal
Government uses bribery I.E. tying compliance with established/newly established
federal law to money/funding. Yet when it comes time to pay up, the funds are often
much reduced, late, and/or tied to further compliance. How is this permitted if bribery is
illegal. We as a people must fix this.
jehova · 31-35, M
Samael’s religion self-made, as written by thee:
Though, Samael was taking a college course, “Intro to religious studies” at a local college and
the following might only be Samaels’ subconscious mind’s attempt to combine all the
information. It might just as much be the word of OUC.
The following was told to Samael in a low falsetto voice, in his(er) head, in Spring 2009, though
it has also been reordered during hypnotic sessions.
“It should be translated to modern language regularly; as necessary, to avoid misunderstanding.”
The Oath of Human citizenship or The Decree of Buddhist Mentalism:
Each of the section that follow should be meditated on often.
On the meaning of life:
Everyone must leave something behind when (s)he dies. Something that his or her hands have
formed in some way so that his or her soul has somewhere to go when she or he dies; if his or her
work is not yet done. It doesn’t matter what he or she does, as long as he or she has changed
something from the way he or she found it; it’s preferable that it be of benefit to that which is left
behind. The difference between a man making a meal and a cook preparing a masterpiece of
flavor- “feast?” is in the preparation of the said meal.
Stuff your eyes with the marvels of the world and live as if you were about to die at any moment,
in that you live every moment to its fullest. Do harm to none and no harm will befall you unless
it is necessary. Typically, the necessary or unavoidable occurrences of the world are beyond
rational thought. Trying to explain the negatives of the world, in anything besides an unbiased,
rational, data reliant, way, is a wasted pursuit. Respect, observe, and maintain the world, for it is
rare and it will be depleted too soon.
To assume security or guarantee for anything is to act as the carrion. The carrion, which has
become ineffective, thus entitled to nothing, does nothing, except nourish those which come after
it. So treat the dead as the carrion. Its’ accomplishments must be built upon, while its’ mistakes
quickly forgotten and/or mitigated.
Instead be like the vulture and live off the fruits of the carrion’s material being. To do so is to
honor the memory of its past energy and to ensure the legacy and its’ labor(s) reach fruition and
are able to endure/persist; rather than be lost; to time.
On Suicide:
Since all life is considered sacred, death itself should be avoided to the extent that is possible.
However, because every human is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, if a

human decides that they would be happier dead, then aren’t they entitled the right to commit
suicide in their pursuit of happiness; or only once they’ve reached a particular age?
On truth:
Before one can really make an analysis of truth one must consider its sources. Does truth pertain
more to what we each hold in our own hearts, what the majority believes, or by measuring the
most present opinion of society? Ultimately, one must make that decision for themselves, but it
is only in each person’s heart that truth can reside. Historical facts are undeniable, but the
question must always be, have we learned from our past experience(s)? If not, how can we act in
a way that reflects the experience(s) we have had, towards improving reality?
Human lives Matter:
Given that there is inherently discrimination when humans are involved, the assimilation of all
races of human, might be the only way we as a species can work together toward the betterment
of the whole. Similarly, the beliefs of certain groups that they are more discriminated against
than others, even when true, separates further the idea of a universal humanity. Whether in white
supremacy shouting, “Whites are superior and increasingly discriminated against.”, or the
African call of, Black Lives Matter, until we recognize that we all matter, and the heralding cry
of humans becomes Human Lives Matter, there will continue to be major impediments to the
construction of peace among all humans.
On Mental Health: The mental health crisis facing humanity is especially pronounced in
system(s) without universal healthcare. The medicine only approach doesn’t seem to be reducing
the problem, as a supplement to medication-based treatment, certainly, etiquette classes to
address autism and cognitive retraining to address depression and anxiety can’t be less likely to
reduce the problem(s) of mental healthcare.
First, etiquette classes would help to combat the atrocious influence media, social media,
and the exposure to the internet has had on human behavior. Additionally, the effect of autism,
once known as, “being socially awkward”, could be addressed by such instruction. Especially
since many people with autism are usually quite intelligent. Thus, the following types of
etiquette ought to be provided. Dining, respect/manners/situational appropriateness, conversation
skills, types of consent/full consent confirmation, proper behavior to build confidence, crisis
prevention and management, and body image acceptance. Using these behavioral learning
strategies is likely to reduce dependence on medicine, which is often expensive and inspires
anxiety anyway.
Second, Cognitive retraining or the alteration of a person’s own perception of upcoming
or past events. Example, a person with anxiety is more likely to have an inner monologue which
is negative expectation expression. Depression too can be partially explained, by this reasoning
and the common addition of lack of confidence. Mental thought association retraining might be
the best strategy.
The simple way to explain Mental thought association is as keyword replacement. Rather than
thinking of a coming social event as an overwhelming scenario in which you’ll be judged or
unaccepted/shunned, the keywords or thoughts associated with those coming events could be
changed or re-associated as a common gathering of peers, in which perspectives shared can be
discussed not judged, and acceptance is likely given the confidence this mental association
retraining would provide.
Another example is depression, the chemical imbalance theory has not been able to be absolutely
reaffirmed, rather than find the right theory, the old one is perpetuated in the name of retrieving

sunk cost. Oh, Capitalism! The mental association approach might be effective with depression
also. Keyword shifts, instead of an inner monologue of “I’m depressed, I’m unemployed, I’m an
ex-con, people don’t like me/I have no friends, I love (name drug here),etc. The feelings of
helplessness and low self-esteem and confidence, incited by these types of thoughts, can be
reversed by changing the associations in one’s inner monologue. If those statements/associated
thoughts were changed to “happy/positive” one’s such as; I’m not in a good mood, I’m going to
find a job, or at least hobby/new activities, and people, I’ve been rehabilitated/I’m much better
off now, and people will like me once they get to know me, then a person’s association with new
thoughts and keywords will make them happy thus reducing their depression and creating fresh
positive thoughts, memories, and associations.
Negative: pain, failure, ex-con, unemployed, disabled, infected, etc..
Positive: temporarily hurting, success, rehabilitated/ learned my lesson, I’m applying to
jobs/making progress, I’m still healing. They already found the cure just have to wait for a FOIL
request in 30 years.
On others’ beliefs:
Ultimately, what a person chooses to believe and assimilate into their life is entirely that
individual’s decision. However, one cannot be judged in a way that does not include their past
actions. For it is there past actions that demonstrate how they act based on their beliefs and
experiences. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience with all other beings and to refrain from
infringing your belief system upon them. However, informing them of your belief system on an
intellectual basis is commendable and may help them on their journey, which sometimes requires
On imagination:
Samael has observed that the difference of meaning in time periods of a language might be the
imagination aspect of religion that makes people so attracted to it. The difference between the
meaning of “this” in 70AD was so much more vague compared with “this” as a refractive
pronoun now, is such that the room for interpretation inspires extremism, violence, and
intolerance, because of the difference in more recent versions by ever more recent prophets.
Perhaps the Japanese had one of the first incarnations of Samael.
On Royalty:
There is a theory that lottery as a fund raising method was begun well before humans began
having currency. f the individual born into enlightenment were all to win the biggest in history
back to back the only times they play, The androgynous form that was able to receive those
winnings chose to turn it into a community provision, decency, society model with the
expectation that such an individual would only ever occur again with that royal families
offspring. Might these royals then only have been the families that resulted from the incarnation
of a bodhhisatva winning the lottery thus being in the image of as well as having the luck of what
must be OUC. In this way Samael’s story seems similar yet, Samael’s is not yet royalty Oh,
On “our origins”:
Genesis: Though humans don’t understand the complete properties of antimatter matter and dark
matter, yet, this would suggest that in theory, if given infinite time, two “masses” of dark matter
might collide. Consider that in the beginning the was only darkness (dark matter) or that in one
wide spread event individual dark matter atoms simultaneously collided. Might this have been
dubbed the big bang? And would the collision of dark matter with itself produce only matter and

energy (ever expanding). Exactly, how this played out might only be able to be explained by
further study of each of the parts involved.
In the event that the system was designed to or is only able to behave at a particular
speed/rate, the creation of particle accelerators might be affecting time. Avoid speeding up what
little time we have! (playing God, damn humans!)
There have been scientific experiments to determine how RNA, the predecessor to DNA
first became self-replicating. In a controlled setting dirt, sand, and soil molecules if assembled in
the right way, saturated by water and then electrified (simulated lightning strike) will
spontaneously begin to self-replicate. If science can explain and reproduce this experiment, the
presence of a designer of the conditions necessary to have allowed it, is not required, though
there might have been.
What sets us apart from the other organisms on this planet? The simplest explanation is
that the ability to reason is what sets us apart from those animals around us, though we too are
just animals(mammals). Therefore, the mind, which allowed for this reasoning in the first place
sets us apart. So the mind has created everything that we now have. The values, beliefs, &
societies that exist are only products of the mind. The laws and moral codes humanity, generally,
holds in common are thus the product of our shared subconscious. The messiahs that have been
intrinsic to the varying institutionalized belief systems were only guides along the way to
complete balance of reason. If we desire to continue these belief system(s) we must let go of our
differences and incorporate the most important elements of each in order to maintain the stability
of our broader system(s).
Since there is little to no definitive proof as to whether or not Our Universal Creator, or Allah, or
Yakov or whatever you choose to call the divine power(usually portrayed as an entity) that may
or may not have created this place, exists; it is equally logical to say that the earth produced
humans. Therefore, we must care for our creator by caring for the earth. For perhaps humans
were merely the products of the essential creation of Our Universal Creator; the earth and
celestial heavens. Or just as likely, maybe there was no original designer.
On morals:
The world is only considered from a moral perspective after interpreting the stigmas that
humanity has developed toward certain, declaredly, deviant behaviors. Somehow, we have lost
our way, putting meaning where none should be seems like a sitcom trying to convince us it is
the only right way.
Indeed, we must not take instruction as to what our moral standard should be that is for each to
decide on their own. Placing great emphasis on chastity simply because our society is a
patriarchal one, and it is perceived that women need to be protected, is the result of those
religions that try to explain our creator as a male as well as the influence of women being the
only way to perpetuate the species. Understanding where our morals come from is just as
important as what those morals are. We have only the following words of advice:
Don’t look to the sky for answers until you put out the fire in your backyard.
Background and mental health checks for firearm purchases.
A flat tax, no exceptions.
Do harm to none unless it is necessary or accidental, and karma will treat you well.
Take care of the earth for that is all that we have by which to judge our potential creator and
existence itself.
Trust in science; it must be/can be repeated/tested!
jehova · 31-35, M
interest to build a monorail and the other half be considered as a payment on their principle
placed back into municipal bonds. Working with them to pay off their debt. Upon turning 35
Samael will be a billionaire. With training from Siena College toward using his(er) wealth to
improve society in Saintly ways. Samael could live off the interest on this money alone and
intends to do so while using half the proceeds to accomplish freeing NYS and eventually the
world market(s). But this must be done in stages and very gradually. So that it can never fail and
his(er) opinion of it only influenced in positive ways. In a way Samael has already done it.
Now the worlds are so incongruous that in World 003 Samael is a billionaire but in world 004
(this one?) Samael is usually devoid of funds.
Lesson - WTF!
At age 23 in July Samael was able to participate in a triple blind study. (s)he designed the study
and got a professor (s)he’d met in a class while in college to collaborate with Ualbany to assess
the medical value of one of the active ingredients contained in Dr. Sebi’s bio-mineral tonic.
Samael was able to ingest a gram of pure ibogaine. Under the guise it was Sass. The experience
(s)he had there was so mind blowing that Samael knew (s)he’d seen his(er) minds understanding
of OUC. The presence of his(er) wife there in disguise as a stranger/commoner is both crazy and
beyond Samael’s wildest dreams. She went by the name Kit in that setting.
Lesson – make your own opportunity
Samael had also significantly influenced that camping venue in previous encounters which
resulted in their building a stage on a field in the back. This is part of why Samael recommended
that the addiction treatment program have a retreat there. Since the use of ibogaine has been
linked to a never use again mentality Samael also had them do this for that reason. For 23 days
after that Samael didn’t smoke. Another reason Samael chose to help them was (s)he could sense
that the owners of that property were natives and followers of the teachings of the rainbow
Lesson – there are other ways to look at it.
Evidence: in proving what Samael is compared to others there are a few telltale ‘ that can be

• When viewed through heat-vision Samael’s heat signature doesn’t appear
as a typical human would.
• Samael’s blood is soluble in water.
• Samael’s DNA often contains more than a double helix structure would be
expected to.
• Samael’s perspective is rarely normal/as expected
• When someone stares at Samael (s)he will usually/always look them
directly in the eye.
On the church of the Internet (CTI):
The idea behind the Church of the Internet is to provide access to all internet users to the sacred
texts, teachings, and practices of every religion in order to foster an atmosphere of tolerance by
stressing the idea and goal of religion, which this author interprets as developing a connection
with some higher power, instead of the sometimes divisive effect of religion which, at times, has
proven itself volatile. It is expected that by allowing individuals uncensored access to all
religions they will be able to best find what religion(s) and practices best allows them to connect
with “Our universal creator”. Someday this Church will exist and the declaration of Buddhist
Mentalism will perhaps be its initial creed. It will be open for submission for ratification and
revision to the entire community of the CTI. However, this first declaration will be used as a

guide for all other submissions. In theory approval of submissions will be left in the hands of 4
representatives 1 each from Islam, Judaism, Christianity, & the UN. Direct democracy will be
the principle upheld in ratification of any future amendments; likewise, popular vote will be used
to thin the number of submissions should that volume become great. This is because anything
that can reason is able to gain insight that could be shared with the reasoning world for its
Further, the Church/freedom of thought forum will provide a discussion forum for all issues that
its worshippers would like to explore. is a model after which the site
could be, initially, designed.
On capitalism:
There is evidence that Samael was Joseph Engels in one of his(er) past lives. Those and his(er)
similar teachings in this incarnation must, therefore, be considered. If an economy were truly a
free market would be one thing, but the main/established market players (the aristocracy)
crowding out competition is scarcely a free market.
If an economy is based on preparedness and necessities for survival/basic recreation for mental
health and agriculture (domestic productivity) is one thing, an economy that only generates
revenue surrounding extreme events such as holidays, viewer based events, and
implied/propagandized product advertising; the concept of you need this in order to compete
with an unrealistic almost “plastic” model (the jones’ syndrome). The basic concept of individual
worth should not be how to show your yourself off, but instead to best achieve a sense of
comfort in oneself such that people appreciate your comfort. Thus, capitalism has failed.
In terms of the cost of food being lower for lesser quality foods, certainly this is not good for
humanity; as a whole. Just as certainly the mutual implementation of this food market supply
strategy by the government, health care ind., and corporations, has resulted in an unsustainable,
increasingly in the red for the central government’s coffers; Ultimately enslaving the working
person (The proletariat) by a bunch of rich, often old fuckers that barely pay taxes. Capitalism
fails again! A flat tax thus is the only appropriate choice. Indeed, if everyone paid equally
everyone’s income tax might be as low as 10%. So what?, all in the name of inequality and
Regarding health care and providing for fair and equal access to all necessities of life (medical
care, healthy food, transportation, and education) These fundamentals could be the limit of
required necessary provisions. Yet supplemental services in mental health care, addiction
treatment, anger management education, and crisis/conflict management/mediation strategies
might be in the best interest of society to also provide. The benefit gained in reduced cost,
easement of stress, and less financial burden will inevitably improve society. Why then is social
equality/universal access heralded as communism, when in reality it could be considered only the
guarantee of access to services for all?
• Currency:

A currency system based on debt is ultimately just a series of I.O.U’s being passed around,
constantly dependent on the assumption of that debt will ever go away. Instead a currency based
on actual value in the form of assets, technological productivity, share of a particular market, or
bullion. Would ensure that a currency, has real value not implied/interest based value.

• A privatized/corporate central bank:

The concept of allowing only a few dozen individuals to control the entire monetary supply in an
economy is fraught with hazards. In this way the aristocracy is further entrenched in protecting

their own wealth at everyone else’s expense. Progress is halted by dump trucks of money and for
even more dump truck of money.
Slavery/addiction/being indentured:
Many religious systems have an acceptable or justifiable view of slavery, at least in their original
forms. Though in the modern world slavery is not tolerated nor allowed, the universality of
slavery’s presence in many religions/paradigms indicates the need to consider its origin. There
are necessities in life that when not readily available people provide money, favors, and/or some
type of labor to acquire. Based upon this inherent truth, is it discernible that addiction to or desire
for the necessities and unneeded vices of life may have led to the first or at least most extreme
cases of indebtedness. So, if the first form of “currency” was derived from indebtedness, then
when that debt accrued by an individual became great enough, might this have resulted in slave
labor/being indentured to pay off debt. An examination of each religions’ and the human
principle of this indentured model will be presented below.
Judaism: There is a code of slavery in Judaism, the principles contained therein seem to lean
more toward being indentured than slavery as it seems to be understood in the modern era. The
“slave” is, generally considered and treated more like a servant than how one might expect a
slave to be treated. The servant’s needs and comfort are provided for and every 7 years the
opportunity/re-evaluation of the “slavery” is reconsidered and the servant will eventually, be set
Islam too has a principle of slavery, Yet it also allows and encourages the liberation of slavery.
Similarly, though there is disagreement among translations, there is an implication that slavery
being acceptable only when someone is already enslaved; this indicates that slavery shouldn’t be
practiced nor tolerated.
Furthermore, the idea of slavery as a means of paying one’s debt is implied and the concept of
manumission contracts- an agreement of having worked enough to regain freedom is seemingly
fundamental to human rights. There is also great stress on the humane treatment of slaves and
they are the property of the right hand, implying a protectionist stance. The protection of one’s
reputation as well as of the individual that is owned.
Though Christianity doesn’t reiterate the principle of the treatment of slaves, one might think
that the principles of “slavery” in the old testament would apply to Christianity as well. The
depiction of good as light and bad as dark, may have led to the depreciated view of dark-skinned
persons; such that some Christian’s felt justified in having slaves.
Despite the declaration of the treatment of slaves in the Old Testament the lack of restatement of
those principles in the New Testament, even though slavery was quite widespread during both
Jesus’ time and the period of early Christianity seems to have resulted in a lack of understand as
to how to treat the lowest socioeconomic humans in society. Just as contradictory is the principle
of accepting everyone as Jesus did and the occurrence of the slave environment in North
America, though general acceptance and fair treatment is promoted the actual practice by
America’s “Christian” slaveholders seem to be incongruous. Somehow, they lost their way.
However, it must be recalled that many of the slaves that Christian Americans purchased were
actively sold by their fellow Africans to the Europeans and then to Americans. Capitalism strikes
On finding a connection:
It is obvious that different societies are the product of different cultures, belief systems,

governing systems and social structures. Therefore, to expect the institutions of one society and
its culture, belief systems, governing systems, and social structures to be applicable to another/all
other cultural or societal regions is, at best, foolish.
Additionally, there are numerous ways to find a connection with Our Universal Creator, whether
prayer, meditation, self-denial, fasting, charity, or community service, to name a few, are
employed to provide a sense of purpose and connection with a higher power is of no
consequence; whatever works for each person is best for that person. The only form of
connecting with Our Universal Creator that Buddhist Mentalism does not condone, although it is
a personal choice, is self-mutilation (especially cutting).
A breakdown:

• stretching – many forms of prayer center around finding balance with
one’s surroundings and life in general. Some employ yoga, prostrating one’s self,
meditation/ pose meditation, signing the cross etc.
• worship- in some religions a follower of that religion will make prayer
toward Mecca, prayer while kneeling, signing the cross, celebrating historically impactful
days and many other ways. Samael seems to imply that yoga or constant stretching of the
body will most effectively align an individual with the universal energy that is our
existence. Though all the practices as listed above have their own benefits.
• sacrament(s)- Samael chooses the meaning of solemn oaths; see the
oath/prayer section
• In terms of a sign of peace the equivalent of “god bless/peace be with you”
would be “may the force be with you” while showing the Vulcan hand symbol. adding
live long and prosper to the sign. Technically, that meets the definition of a sacrament!.
Regarded as an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual divine grace. Seriously,
On socialism:
Many Capitalists believe that socialism is a path to communism, this is used as a scare tactic so
no one (those brainwashed against communism during the Cold War) supports the road to
overthrowing the Aristocracy that rules and partially enslaves the world.
Yet the postulation that Socialism is contrary to capitalism is a flawed perspective. Socialism is
putting the means of production in the hands of the community and the citizens/workforce.
Whereas, the citizens/workers would choose what, how much, and of what quality to produce,
there still must be a buyer, thus capitalism is intrinsic to any and all economies/production.
Conversely, communism is putting the means of production in the hands of the community in a
governmental control model. The concept that freedom/individual choice would be limited by
such a model, still denies the principles of there always needing to be a buyer as well as
This Oath therefore recommends democratic socialism which is the placement of the means of
production into the hands of the citizenry while providing equal and fair access to all citizens to
the necessities of life. Still a market economy. In the model of Democratic Socialism, there
wouldn’t really be an aristocracy. The aristocracy could be overthrown with a combination of a

flat tax, the preservation/cost reduction model rather than the commercialization/increasing cost
model of healthcare that would result from universal healthcare, the guarantee of affordable
access to education, employment, healthcare, and public transportation and the positive gains to
diet and the environment that giving power to the citizens would have, is clearly better than the
“free market” capitalism we are stuck in/forced to perpetuate now.
Part-time workers’ unions:
In ensuring the fair treatment of all citizens the right of access to the benefits of employment
(healthcare, education, savings/debt payment, and higher education cost reimbursement) there is
a need to provide part time workers with the protection of this access. One solution might be
County wide part-time worker labor unions. There would of course be dues, union community
events, fundraisers, etc. Might the potential for building community and improved mental health
be the better option?
In Closing:
The intention of The Oath of Human Citizenship is to provide a simple rational answer to a
problem with no outright answer at all. We must each find our own answer(s) through
introspection, rational thought, knowledge gathering, and life experience. To do otherwise would
belie the very thing that sets us apart on this earth. So do harm to none as you live your life and
karma willing no harm should come to you.”.
jehova · 31-35, M
“I ensure that my heart is pure and that the presence of a governing body to enforce laws has no
impact on my decision to act in a moral way. In the event, my government asks me to act
immorally, I will do my best to have the foresight and wisdom to refuse such demands. In the
event, my government dissolves, I will continue to live a moral life. The threat of incarceration
makes me no more or less likely to behave in a manner that is considered just, moral, and fair.”
“I swear that if I have more than I need I will give what I can to ensure that others have what
they need.”
Violence and war:
“As a reasoning being, I pledge to make every effort to steer clear of all intentional acts of
violence. I know that by not acting in a violent manner, my example will be the standard that
others hope to perpetuate. If such pacifism becomes universal, I know that I have done my part
to promote the improvement of human nature.”
“I vow to respect the sexual orientation of all individuals. I will not judge any individual as they
seek love and happiness in their life. It is not my place to know what effect their actions will
have on them in the future. I will apply my acceptance of others to all of humanity; regardless of
sex, gender, orientation, nationality, ethnicity, creed, religious preference, or any other
distinguishing characteristic, other than personality/behavior.”
These are some of the experiences that Sameal had during his(er) journey toward acceptance.
While in the womb Samael’s first thought was, “Fuck this again!!”. It was in English words, how
is that possible? Certainly, this is less unbelievable than what happened next.
At seven minutes after birth Samael’s original gender was assigned. The androgynous male
genitals which (s)he was born with, also known as male form androgyny alpha or futanari instead
of being left as is, those genitals were altered to be male only. The female portion was sewn shut
and covered by the ball sac. It took Samael 13 years to break the stitches. Given that Samael was
entitled to enlightenment in the gender (s)he was born, there is only evidence of Samael’s
enlightenment; no proof. Only Hints:
little hints here and there
Hints about this and that
A whisper, a scent
Little hints
No definites
Just hints
Hints of dark secluded places
Filled with petulant faces
Yet I have no memory of their shape
Only hints as to their escape
How they were removed by force
Barely revealed from their source
Once removed they returned
Twice removed. Can they still be earned?
Thrice and gone forever

They are gone now
Until they return I can only disavow
So that the hints may have some tangibility
Otherwise they will disappear into tranquility.
They tell me these teeth aren’t definitive proof,
yet when they do descend, I only push them back into their roof,
lying to the world about my true self,
So that they might be less intrusive
At age 7 Samael’s having been wronged by the assignment came to fruition when (s)he was able
to abandon his(er) original world (world 001). Since (s)he was so victimized by the events of
his(er) birth., Samael while at a neighborhood picnic chose which line to take at the buffet table
by the flip of a coin. Either the line (s)he knew everyone in or the line (s)he knew no one. The
coin landed the line with no one (s)he knew. In that moment all worlds were congruent. In world
002 Samael’s counterpart flipped the coin and selected the other line. The difference in space-
time worlds came together and (s)he switched places with his(er)self into World 002.
At the age of 13 (s)he had made his(er) own fake ID saying (s)he was/were 21; (s)he had
determined to walk to an 18 and up bar in his(er) states capital city, His(e)r reasoning was that
the bar being 18+ even if his/their ID didn’t work (s)he might pass for 18. So (S)he got in as 21
ordered a beer looked around saw this attractive upper-mid 20’s and they started flirting across a
dance floor with people dancing on it, so she called Samael over and they started making out.
After 5 minutes they came up for breath, shortly thereafter she pulled Samael close and
whispered in her(is) ear, “Stick your hand down my pants.” Samael, of course, was thinking
(s)he’d never fingered a girl before, awesome!
Upon sticking her(is) hand down her pants Samael learned she wasn’t only a she. She invited
Samael to her place, but (s)he felt it better not to turn that person into a pedophile so (s)he
abruptly left. What Samael learned from that experience was that we must accept everyone; that
while, (s)he was a bit taken off guard, everyone deserves love, and (s)he’d had a good time.
Samael did determine not to do that again, until being of age; after walking home.
Lesson- don’t drink under age 18.
At age 15, Samael is pretty sure, during late winter early spring of sophomore year Samael
smoked a blunt with two friends. Samael then convinced them to go on a walk with him(er) to
the path in the woods nearby. As they walked on the path, Samael suddenly had the urge to sprint
in to the right down a slight level aisle between trees just off the path. It was very difficult for
Samael to remember this story, initially, because it was so out of character, Samael had had a
stroke only 3 years prior, and Samael running was a crazy act, in many ways; But (s)he felt
his(er) instinct kick in and urge him(er) to run in this way; now Samael flashes back to it
regularly. Since Samael was wearing a coat roughly the color of a deer’s hide; so as Samael ran
for the first time in this way with only limited use of most of the muscles in her(is) left arm and
leg. a man sitting in the forest nearby at the edge of a clearing on the far side of the field that is
now a shopping plaza on Rt 4 and 43. Shot Samael.
Anyway, the incident was as Samael ran in a way similar in motion to how a deer might run,
interesting that Samael was a deer, once; a hunter sitting in the forest nearby shot Samael while
(s)he was running. Samael fell to the ground upon being hit and promptly got up. (S)he had a
wound but was barely bleeding. Hit at the top of the left lung, Samael didn’t panic, remained
calm, and when the hunter ran to (s)he and his(er) friends ranting about how he thought Samael
was a deer and was so sorry, the hunter walked up to Samael and with mouth hanging aghast

stared at his(er) chest. As the hunter stared Samael willed the wound to heal (luckily (s)he was
still young) the the bullet was moved by Samael’s skeletal muscles to his(er) mouth where it
dropped into his(er) mouth and an instinctual organ shot up Samael’s throat triggering the slight
amount of gunpowder residue on the bullet to spark and shoot the bullet through the hunter’s
open mouth. The hunter was dead. The odd part is how Samael got his(er) two friends to help
him(er) organize the body so that it appeared as if the hunter had fallen over a fence along the
cliff formed at the edge of the clearing. It was set up to appear that upon attempting to climb over
the fence the hunter had caught the heel of his shoe on the top of a fence post or link. Because
the hunter was wearing no socks, which ended up being true, the gun which the hunter had on his
back flipped in such a way that his big toe landed on the trigger of his rifle which landed barrel
in mouth.
The unfortunate fact that (s)he and her(is) friends took the suicide note the hunter had written
and put in their breast pocket was tragic. Further, the hunter had sent out a prayer meditation
maybe a week and a half prior in which the hunter prayed for a way to be able to die without
committing suicide. Samael receiving this message from the hunter and chose to respond to it by
showing that hunter the only way Samael would ever be okay with that happening. The fact that
these events occurred as described, is ridiculous, but factually true. News story on it described
the scene as ‘suspect’. This is according to a news story reported in the Schenectady Gazette
about a Suspicious hunting accident in Rennselear, NY.
Lesson- sometimes you should call an ambulance.
Age 7 Samael took it upon him(er)self to try his(er) luck and walked to the local Stewart’s and
collecting numbers along the way then bought a Powerball for a large jackpot. Samael won and
walked home. Upon arriving home Samael gave the ticket to his(er) family and never spoke of it
again. In actuality, at the gas station Samael had given the ticket to the next person in line, prior
to the drawing, (s)he made them the winner. Could Samael have collected the money? Not at the
time. Though Samael certainly should have.
Lesson - take what’s yours
Upon turning 13 and a third Samael’s DNA reset cycle came to competition and Her(is)
androgynous genitalia regrew. Samael cannot blame anyone but him(er)self for the way (s)he
chose to behave toward undermining him(er)self, in that moment.
Lesson – life is unexpected, take time to think it over.
Age 13 Samael had a cerebral hemorrhage, likely due to a lack of development to strengthen the
brain’s blood vessels as a result of his gender assignment being so earlier in life. Upon waking
up two weeks later Samael has since relearned most muscle coordination skill and continues to
relearn more nearly everyday.
Lesson- don’t take life for granted or ever avoid life-events.
At age 18 Samael went to a “knock-knock house” made good friends with the owner then asked
if he had any complaints. He told Samael that the tenants next door were always arguing even
throwing things. That they seemed like nice people despite this. So Samael informed him (s)he’d
see what (s)he could do. Upon acquiring which neighbor, he meant, Samael then hung around
until the neighbors came home then walked over and rang the doorbell once they started fighting.
Upon introducing him(er)self and explaining (s)he was taking a sociology class at a local college
and had been trying to understand domestic violence more thoroughly than (s)he felt any book
would allow him(er), Samael then speculated on the spot, mind, that the occurrence of outbursts
of benign but violent acts as an outlet for couples experiencing but avoiding their problems was

the situation (s)he was observing in them and that certainly, if (s)he could just get them to talk to
each other they could stop spending money on breaking lamps, which would make life easier.
Samael sat each of them down separately and asked them their complaints about their other half.
The woman indicated that the man was too focused on himself, work, school, and family/friends
that he wasn’t getting her enough attention and then they would just come home and argue. So
Samael jotted this down asked her goal in this mediation and then invited the man in and asked
the woman to leave Samael asked him his complaints after sharing his(er) own goal in doing this
with he and his gf, Samael then asked him several questions to determine his complaints,
stressors and worries. His goal. Then Samael sat them both down and proposed that they each
work together to help each other do the things they love and to respect each other’s space while
making effort to communicate rationally. Samael never heard from them again and abruptly went
back to class. Those three principles are what Samael took from this experience.
Lesson – peer mediation/situational conflict resolution.
Age 19 Samael smoked a lot of weed. Between classes, as a result of stress, instead of eating,
etc. Anyhow, one night (s)he woke up at 2:00am and was driven to write this text from a voice in
Samael’s head, in between writing though Samael had the urge to run to the local 24/hr. CVS,
that (s)he somehow was needed there. Upon getting there Samael walked around the parking lot
and approached a man there that seemed to be fuming. Samael asked him for a lighter and what
was on his mind and he informed Samael that his mother whom he lived with had lost her job at
the local hospital and then abruptly been diagnosed with cancer, been given a short amount of
time to live, that he didn’t know what to do about her medical bills so once she died he was
going to kill himself. It took a half hour to talk this out of him. Next Samael informed him of the
benefits of smoking .5g of medical grade marijuana a day and that a study had found that 85ish%
of the participants didn’t have cancer after two weeks. Samael also talked out of him his fear of
losing his mother and then got him to be okay with his mother dying. Samael helped him become
aware of why suicide wouldn’t solve anything.
Lesson- mental health is a real need and real supports are seriously lacking.
At age 21 Samael again won the mega millions, the largest in history at the time. 436 million.
Samael invested all of it in NYS municipal bonds. 6-month term. 2.99% interest and an
agreement that half the money be reinvested in municipal bonds and the other half used to build
a capital district monorail/coaster, Until Samael turns 35, then (s)he will reallocate the money
contained therein and have his(er) identity revealed.
At age 22 Samael was again wronged by his reality and flipped a coin to decide whether to enter
a situation involving a revolver. This also occurred in Rensselaer county. Though Samael had
insisted that (s)he never be handed a gun, that they would find out why if they did hand him(er) a
gun. Eventually, they made him(er) take the gun and whether it was accidental or not Samael
suffered a bullet to the right temple. Though Samael didn’t even fall over, the coin flip to enter
that situation had already switch him(er) with his(er) counter part into World 003.
Lesson: Guns are never a good idea
At age 23 Samael won the lottery again by first hooking up with then getting married to the
chieftress of his(er)/their tribe. Married. About a month later Samael again won lottery, the mega
millions, again the biggest in history at that time 656 million and mega(32). So when deciding
where to go to turn in the ticket Samael again flipped a coin to determine Saratoga lottery office
or Schenectady lottery office, The coin landed in favor of Schenectady and that ticket was never
returned to Samael nor was the money. Shortly thereafter the Schenectady office was closed.
Samael would have done the same thing in 6-months bonds and would have said use half the
jehova · 31-35, M
Some would argue that no police force would mean marshal law, instead, imagine a nation where
the people are forced to trust one another as compatriots. The community that would develop
would go beyond any distinguishing characteristic, creed, or personality.
Would the current system break down? If it needs to it will. The future is in no one’s hands, but
our own.
On charity:
To ensure one’s place in the next life, one should give what they can when they can, An exact
figure cannot be made because we can each only give so much and still survive. In Islam,
generally, the standard is to give 10% of your income to the community you are in. Though not
as clearly spelled out in Christianity the principle is a tithe which might be estimate as 15-20% of
one's income but given directly to the church. The church is then supposed to ensure those funds
get back into the community, yet the Church has accumulated such wealth, there is doubt this
assumption is being met. So always give what you can, when you can; for to better the lives of
others, is to improve your own.
There once was a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the
state fair where it won a blue ribbon.
One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he
grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors.
"How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering
corn in competition with yours each year?" the reporter asked.
"Why sir," said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn
and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will
steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors
grow good corn."
He is very much aware of the connectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his
neighbor's corn also improves.
So it is with our lives. Those who choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in
peace. Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of a life is
measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find
happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
The lesson for each of us is this: if we are to improve, we must help our neighbors improve.
On education:
Education is the single greatest tool that can be utilized to achieve social mobility and eventual
equality. However, attempts must be made to ensure that education is attainable by the majority
of citizens and is affordable to even the most impoverished in society.
Some would say that education should be reserved for the rich, yet to support this claim is to
discount the value that knowledge can have in every person’s life. For it is through knowledge
that even the under achieved/privileged/under served can realize their full potential and in so
doing make the greatest contribution to society.
The idea of universal standards is one thing, but to dictate what is taught in anyway, beyond a
local or at largest state/provincial level is to push the bounds of affordable federal ambitions. For
this reason, it is wise to question the sustainability of a federal common standard; especially
when precedent for education would suggest that the/any federal policy is to diminish education
in order to slow progressive social change that would, potentially, improve the whole.

On books:
Books are necessary and sacred for they allow our minds to question and improve our condition
in this life. Books ensure that the mind remembers the mistakes of old allowing those mistakes to
be avoided in the future.
On diet:
Given that the goal of a “religion” is to improve the lives of its followers, certainly
improving/maintaining their good health would have top priority.
In applying the nutritional principles of the largest and, arguably, most similar religions of the
western world, at least, The concepts of Kosher (Judaism), Halal(Islam), and apathy
(Christianity./America?) must be effectively combined.
Given that all things kosher are halal, but not all things halal are kosher, it is best to take the most
common principles of food consumption, prohibition/avoidance of pork and shellfish, approval
of all vegetables, when necessary per the Sebi diet, and the avoidance of alcohol, stimulants,
GMOs, and processed meat. The Sebi Diet has been determined to reverse nearly every
infection-based disease. For that reason, it is only proper that in the event of ailment or illness
that the following be adhered to exclusively until symptoms/infection has gone away, usually 3
to 12 months.
The Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide:
The foods listed see (
content/uploads/2016/12/Nutritional_Guide.pdf) are recommended by Dr. Sebi for reversing
disease and restoring health. By eating these healthy foods, your health will improve and
therefore you will have more energy.
On Fasting: Nearly every religion/tradition in the world includes the principle of fasting. We
recommend three month(s) a year of eating only the Diet as listed above. Additionally, the
concept of giving up a habit or vice for a period each year is also recommended, to see how life
could be.
On violence & war:
Violence is only necessary in times of personal protection, yet, even in times of great threat we
must always remember one rule. That to be attacked and retaliate would cause more damage then
being attacked and standing peaceful. This is especially true given the destruction that can result
from war. Better watch out America might get involved. The moral lesson portrayed by standing
peaceful will prove the attacker to be the lesser party. Therefore, karma will force the issue and
the aggressor will suffer in the end. A brief example will illustrate the intended meaning.
Bob comes home two hours early from work to find his best friend’s car parked in his driveway.
This comes as a welcome surprise, Bob enters his house and walks to his bedroom, he opens the
door to see his fiancée having sex with his best-friend.
What would you do in this situation? Here there are two paths that can be taken. Bob could either
let his anger at the scene unfolding before him take over and beat the living shit out of his best
friend and/or his fiancée or he can leave the house and give himself time to think. The first
course could easily result in criminal charges and possible jail time. Since Bob is studying to
become a teacher, he would ruin any chances at success by pursuing this first course. The second
course is how Bob proceeds; he leaves his house, gets a room at a nearby motel and calls his
father for advice. Here Bob has ensured his future as a teacher and avoided smearing his own
name and reputation. In the meantime, his fiancée is labeled as a tramp, while his best friend will
eventually get what’s coming to him.

On torture & Terrorism:
Since different religions, cultures and societies define and consider torture differently, it is
necessary for us to first define exactly what torture is. Torture can be considered any intentional
act of inflicting pain, degradation or inhuman treatment to another human being. The reason for
this torture should not be considered relevant to the morality of torture. Further, because the
ability to reason is such a rare thing, torture of one human being by another a) shouldn’t be
present in the world and b) should be prevented as much as possible by reasoning beings.
Furthermore, terrorism, or the act of intentionally infringing a sense of fear on another being
should be considered in the same light as torture. In fact, some may even consider it worse than
torture, because to purposely cause unease of another’s mind is the worst way that we can torture
someone. The reason for this is simple, whereas physical pain can be overcome by the mind,
mental unease and fear, reside in the mind and are much more difficult to overcome.
Further, fear incited by the media or government, certainly should be illegal, and subject to no
statute of limitation(s); when this “deception” is precipitated to motive public support for
something/anything is especially intolerable and if/when discovered ought to be punished.
On consumerism:
To consume is a necessary part of life. Otherwise we would die. However, to consume more than
is needed for one’s survival is surely detrimental. This is because if those who can consume
more than they need, do, then those who cannot often must do without. Therefore, every effort
must be made to alleviate the suffering of all of humanity. Until no one must do without,
Everyone, should do what they can to address the needs of those, in their community first, who
go hungry, sick, or otherwise impoverished. Only once the local need is addressed should other
parties even be considered.
On the substances of this earth:
The only book of the Bible Samael was ever willing to read was the book of Genesis, allegedly
written by OUC. The notice (s)he took to only one sentence, [that] OUC told the person/humans,
“[They] Ought never impede the growth of any seeded plant.” In 2009 within a year of Samael
bringing this to the attention of a Catholic priest, this and only this sentence was removed from
the “Official” Catholic book; that was in 2009-2010. This edit Implies the Catholic Church
didn’t want to be responsible for the repeal of prohibition of one plant. Can you guess which
one? This is therefore, the only principle Samael has determined must be upheld.
This is where individual preference comes into play. There are those who say drugs or
substances fog the mind’s ability to reason. However, there are also those who say these
substances expand the minds ability to reason. Once more a simple rule can help you on your
journey. If it grows in the ground and is not synthetic or poisonous it should not be regulated;
instead it should be treated like a grocery and taxed in order to create a means of producing
revenue to be used for community improvement. For without the availability of other activities it
is unrealistic to expect people to do anything else. However, if it grows in the ground and the
only way to employ the desired effect is by extraction or supplementation, regulation may be
If a divine being created this place, then wouldn’t all fruits of the earth be at humanity’s
consumption? Based on this question, it is deducible that all the fruits of the earth should be used
like fruits of the earth and be used to their full benefit for humanity. Ultimately, if a divine power
created this place all we have by which to know that creator is that which was created. Therefore,

top priority must be to cherish any connection that might still exist to our potential creator
through caring for that creation.
The use of substances to foster a connection with OUC is contrary to the teachings of nearly all
religious traditions. Indeed, the Buddha maintained that enlightenment could only be reached
through sobriety, fasting, and inward thought, without distraction. Similarly the religious persons
(priests, monks, etc.) of most religions are held top this principle of abstinence.
On spoken communication:
There is great need to hone one’s speaking ability. Speech is humanity’s most common form of
communication. The exchange of ideas between reasoning beings is most readily done through
verbal conversation. Therefore, one must perfect their prowess in the spoken word just as much
as in the written word. Of course, the written word is often the spoken word recorded, so keep in
mind that empty speech can be just as detrimental as false actions. For to speak something
without meaning is an affront to the mind since it could just as easily not have been said. Also, it
can often lead to misunderstanding and confusion further damaging the self, reality, and/or
On false action:
First, let us define exactly what false actions constitute. To act falsely is to do any of the
following; which is not to say these are the only ways one can act falsely; to act as, a false friend
or a false witness, or to bear, as a false witness, or to give a false impression.
Advice to live by:
Do you know why the internet should be free? Simple really because It is the only or at least best
way to make knowledge equivalent to money in terms of building up power.
Don’t look to the sky for answers/help until you’ve put out the fire in your backyard.
Live every moment as if it were the future.
Look for motive while considering sources.
Do harm to none and harm won’t befall you.
A statement that negates a positive is less negative than a negative statement; more tolerable by
“Prayers or Oaths”:
I believe(optional)
“I believe that belief is based on the information that we as individuals have. Drawing on this
information we must each reason, in order, to determine what our belief or beliefs is/are. Thus,
our ability to reason creates belief and our imagination elaborates upon, rationalizes, and justifies
those beliefs.”
“One of my essential pursuits as an intelligent being is to establish my own unique method of
worship that will best meet my individual spiritual needs and physical abilities. In doing so I
hope to develop the best connection I can with our potential universal creator and/or to
appreciate the beauty of both the earth and all that is living. I will never take for granted the
beliefs of others and I vow to respect the uniqueness of every being’s journey to find balance and
spiritual maturation.”
“I verify that I will make every effort to learn from my actions and experiences and that I will
make the same effort in making future decisions that are reflective of my past actions and
experiences. As a reasoning being this is my duty.”
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
You made an attempt at a manifesto and mission statement, and this is far more than some do- but you need to get down to basic analysis. You need to quantify the beliefs and prove one true before deciding morality.
jehova · 31-35, M
@PrivatePeeks yes, I agree, but I argue morality should be an individuals decision. That's what I'm trying to do, but i need others to provide other perspectives.

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