I think when he referred to himself as a “stable genius” what he meant to say was that he was a comedy genius. At this point, I’m waiting for him to unzip himself only to have Andy Kaufman jump out of the Trumpsuit and reveal that the last three years have just been the most elaborately immersive piece of character comedy in history.
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Yeah, but think how happy it would make Jim Carrey. @monte3
Kathburglar · F
Omg.... You ha e me in stitches! Trump=Andy Kaufman. Sooooo funny. Thank you. @SW-User

monte3 · 70-79, M
😊👍. Brilliant!
Kathburglar · F
🤡🤡🤡 Thanks for stopping by. @monte3
xixgun · M
I used to use fine point Sharpies to make designs on the girls' fingernails in high school.
Checkerboards were real big then.
Checkerboards were real big then.
Kathburglar · F
@xixgun That’s cool! I am really a fan of ultra fine points. I always have extra unopened packages.

You bin snorting again?!!

I’m like Jesus..just keep on reading the Bible I’ll be fine @Kathburglar
Kathburglar · F
@SW-User You really are the greatest. I’m happy to see you.

You too buddy 🤗@Kathburglar
PhoenixPhail · M
If that would only do it....
Kathburglar · F
Don’t get me started. I have been aching to go political on here, but feel I best not. *cuts off fingers so as not to type*@PhoenixPhail
PhoenixPhail · M
@Kathburglar I've found any political, as well as religious dialogue here, turns into an exercise in futility. I won't even bother any more.

Lol, those tiny hands 😂
Kathburglar · F
Oh no, you are wrong. His fingers have ALWAYS been long and willowy. Lol@SW-User

Damn his hands actually are small
Kathburglar · F