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Usually perfumes from when I was a teenager
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I had a first grade teacher here in Oklahoma that wore a 50’s Avon perfume. That was the only perfume she wore. Our family moved away after 1st grade and we moved back and when I was in 12th grade I had an office training job and was assigned to work at that same school I went to in first grade. Mrs. Butler was still teaching there, and the principal would send me to her classroom one hour a day and help her grade papers or what she needed since she had the largest class of students and she was the oldest teacher about to retire the next year. She still wore that same perfume. There was also a girl who rode my school bus in junior high who sometimes wore the perfume & I always thought of that teacher. She was the only teacher that I had that gave us hugs every day and she was doing it till she retired.
What a sweet teacher ~
Imagine finding that 50s perfume now in 2021 ~ I hope they still make it @cherokeepatti
Imagine finding that 50s perfume now in 2021 ~ I hope they still make it @cherokeepatti
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I forgot the name of it or I could probably still special order it from Avon, sometimes they make small batches for customers to order. She was the sweetest teacher. Someone wrote a letter to our newspaper after she died so her loved ones could read it describing her the same way I remembered her.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Fresh wax on tile floors reminds me of the first day of first grade. I think it was the buffing spray that did it. Don’t smell that very often but when I do i think of first grade.
Tracos · 51-55, M
yeah... lysol and chloroform... reminds me of getting tonsils snipped when I was 6 or so....
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It happens frequently. With tastes too.