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I Hate Nightclubs

Last night I had one of the worst experiences of my entire life. Whilst looking at jobs I got a call from what I thought was a bar near me asking me to come in for a trial shift. I agreed, excited to potentially get some work.

It was meant to be a late shift, 10-midnight. I rolled up at half 9 eager to get started. It turned out that it wasn't a bar in that sense - it was a damn nightclub. This was the first warning sign as I really dislike clubbing. I got told my orders, to go round clearing up glasses and getting them washed.

All of that sounded fine in theory except for the fact that the club atmosphere soon became abundant quickly. The music was loud and annoying, everybody was stupid and drunk, they kept on dancing and not making way for me to do my work, glass kept getting dropped meaning I had to stop what I was doing and clear up a lot, both men and women found it fine to sexually harass me and the manager kept on yelling to go faster.

A half hour or so after I was supposed to end the manager told me I could leave and that I hadn't got the job. I was stupidly pleased that I hadn't but learnt some dreadful news - because I was a trial shift I wasn't going to get any payment for my time, meaning I slaved away and got super stressed out without any compensation. Of course he got a verbal lashing from me but it was no use.

Dejected, tired, upset and feeling useless I walked out, determined that I would never step foot in another night club again as either a patron or a member of staff.
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newbie · 31-35, F
@MuddyWelliesLover96 is it better than strip clubs? it sounds easier, but maybe a bit boring?
MuddyWelliesLover96 · 26-30, F
@newbie So much better.
newbie · 31-35, F
@MuddyWelliesLover96 and hopefully they actual pay on time 😊 what do you have to do with the computer?
TammieBear · 22-25, F
I'm sorry that happened, it sounds really unfair 😟 I've not been in a nightclub and I don't think I want to.
djjohnson · 41-45, M
that sucks. This is one of those times when you realize later that you should have made sure you were getting paid before hand. Almost sounds like they knew they need more help and use this method to get free help.
MuddyWelliesLover96 · 26-30, F
@djjohnson Trust me, I gave the bloke a complete bollocking once I found out. You're right, it probably sounds like one of those times.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
that they can be,who knows why,rough clientel,mgr's....good luck step,
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
I love clubs but definitely couldn't work in one. Can't be in one sober.
Whoa, that is horrible - but it gave you some valuable learning experiences about yourself and what to get into next time.
Paliglass · 41-45, F
Don't give up clubbing because you hate working in one.
MuddyWelliesLover96 · 26-30, F
@Paliglass I never really liked them anyway and I also didn't expect it to be more like that.
Mahaq · F
It was not for you thts good
Mahaq · F
Don’t ever work in clubs please
OlderDude · 61-69, M
I dont like clubs either, you cant talk because the music is so loud and I never was a drinker so I'd sit there and watch with embarrassment as my friends and the general population there got drunker and acted like total idiots, thinking that they were having fun.
And I'm not saying this just because I'm older, I've felt this way since I was old enough to drink.
I've always figured there were much better was to spend money and actually enjoy the time, and remember it the next day.
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
Night clubs are crazy either way. But working at one is worse.
What a cheeky bastard! Didn't even pay ya! I thought slavery was dead in 2018!

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