Born and raised in Los boy. San Fernando Valley. Crazy and hectic. But back in 1998 I moved out to the east coast to be closer to my kids. My kids and thier mom lived in a small town in North Carolina. The first day I drove thru Hertford, NC it was a warm sunny summer morning. Two gas stations, one bank, a post office one street light, two men sitting on a park bench and "Jerrys" barber shop.
Mayberry revisted....all I needed to see was Andy Griffith as the sheriff ;-)
I felt like Michael J Fox in "Doc Hollywood"....lost and in a culture shock. For the next 8-10 months it was strange....adapting to the slow relaxed life took time for me. But fishing from the park Gazebo and hanging out during the "Indian Summer"festivals was fun. The town grows on you.....friends at the local coffee shop and the "Hertford Hello" often warms your heart.
One morning I was getting ready for work.....I grab a cup of coffee and walk out on the front porch.
Barefoot I walk out on the grass filled with dew. I look over to my left and see the sun peeking over the cornfields that had a layer of fog over them.
I look directly up and see the full moon. The only sounds I heard were a few birds and a distant school bus. It was a moment....and I realized how much I love the country.
Small world isn't it, I'm from NC too.🍀 Ha, I was in culture shock when I moved to Compton CA during the Watts riot?!😎 Yes, I love the country too and wouldn't trade where I grew up for anything. I was in a little town called New Bern right on the edge of the Atlantic ocean. I sure miss it, I miss the fireflies. Love this picture. Have a good night, I'm off to sleep.😴💤