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I Wish I Was Taller

Well I can't change who I am because I will always be a small girl. I wish I was a bit bigger so I won't get attacked by perverts. Tall girls are less likely to be attacked because they look so strong. Anyways I wish I was taller. My two best friends are 5'9 and 6'0" and they hate being tall. They shouldn't complain. A LOT of people kill to be taller. 😠
I'm only 4'9 and 25 years old but there are some advantage of being petite too. My 6'3 boyfriend loves how small I am and picking me up and giving me piggyback rides and carrying me. 😀
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valentinesdaywife · 41-45, F
I was sensetavite about it also, long since gotten over it. I was 5'1 In like 5th grade, one of the tallest girls in my class..Never grew another inch!
StefanoHopkins · 56-60, M
I like the post about martial arts.
I feel that any woman who is molested has a perfect right to terminate the male who has molested her.

And, the male should own up to what he did, and submit to having the termination administered to him.
aradia11 · 61-69, F
There's advantage to being small too..You move faster in in n out quicker.. learn Marshall art..You'll be a little dynamo..
No one will mess with ya!!
Lol makes absolutely no difference to pervs, trust me
valentinesdaywife · 41-45, F
I really do not think you need to worry much, at least when your 6'3 boyfriend is around, my 6'6 hubby was always a good perv repellant

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