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Tony4f4 · 31-35, M
I did the same, reading books after books trying to find the best and effortless way to improve my laziness/productivity. The more books/technique you found just procrastinate the goal you need to archieve.
Later I found its not about the techniques, its about your body, chemical balance in your brain that can affect your motivation to get things done.
aniave · 46-50, F
@Tony4f4: I think the chemical imbalance is huge (and something many people are suffering from and don't even know it). I read Julia Ross's book "The Mood Cure" and I found DLPA keeps me from falling deeply into depression when winter comes. I learned so much from that book and I use much of her advice, although not as consistent as I should. Along with Dr. Amen's book on the brain...

fources · 41-45, M
Thanks for sharing. I think you just need to remember that nothing good comes easy. Sometimes, we really need to get out of our way, it's very true.

Over the years, I have read a lot of books on self improvement, I am glad I read those books when I did. Life is a journey, we should try our best to enjoy most part of it even if we have to go through some exercises to get the best of it.

I will check the books you mentioned here. Have a great day.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
Wow...I wish you the best. Just remember that you are not alone.
aniave · 46-50, F
@Sinner: Thanks, cause it can feel very lonely sometimes...
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@aniave: Yes it can.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Are you the person who wrote about waking up in the morning yesterday? I like your stories. I'll read this later.
aniave · 46-50, F
@lockedupforgood: Yes 😎

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