piggo88 · 36-40, M
No less than a ton. Preferably several, and I would spend every single moment of the day hooked up to feeding machines pouring hundreds of gallons of weight gain shakes down my throat as fast as possible. Gaining weight would be the only purpose of my existence, and I would be a pro at it
fatmcaT · 26-30, M
I think I'd just try and get as big and as fat as I possibly could. Bedridden, immobile, gargantuan, slobby, blob of a person. As for an actual day, it'd be me eating, being fed, stuffed, filled, all while getting cuddles and snuggles from my boyfriend.
Cherrii · 22-25, F
I'd weigh no less than 2000 lbs. I'd be eating and playing videogames all day and my job'd be a gaming YouTuber.
Jessiedoll · 22-25, F
I'd be at least 2000 pounds
hamantha · F
I'd be the fattest in the world, and I'd never do anything but eat
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
no health risks either? Who knows lol
Boogablue · 26-30, M
And what would a day in your life be like?
bigfatfan · 26-30, T
I think I'd try to remain somewhat mobile, but if I found the right feeder, you never know!