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I Imagine A World Where Everyone Is Extremely Fat

In 2016, a 15-year-old girl is usually thin, outgoing and lively. She disobeys her parents, goes off with boys and her friends, and generally does a lot of active stuff.

In 2036, a 15-year-old girl will be so fat, lazy and full of lard, sugar and chemicals that she'll be unwilling to do anything in her spare time that doesn't involve snacking on heavily processed food and/or staring dully at a screen.
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Oh gosh. Many people in my class are like that.

Its a bit ironic that the previous generation (or parents) complain about the current generation when they are the ones who raised em
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
I heard in a documentary that if we all continue to eat this unhealthy, 90% of the world's population will be overweight in like 50 years or something. It's so scary that this could be our future.
Boogablue · 26-30, M
@hiddenkitty: Perhaps medical science will have caught up by then with nutritional supplements or something?
hiddenkitty · 26-30, F
@Boogablue: I suppose that's possible. However, another problem with everyone being overweight is that we won't have anyone fit enough to be cops or firefighters.
Cherrii · 22-25, F
We also won't need police/cops or firefighters because everyone will be too fat to fight.@hiddenkitty
2036 sounds like heaven
Boogablue · 26-30, M
Heh. You think so?
Notfatenough · 46-50, M
Swoop62 · M
Wow a world with all Offensive and defensive linemen and no running backs or wide receivers. I am ready to go now.
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
The 2016 one is more healthy. Obesity isn't the answer to a disobedient child.
I laughed at this. I don't know why.

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