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I Hate Being Accused Of Something I Did Not Do

Hm can't find a group for this so I guess this is close enough.

I find that more and more, especially in the wake of certain political events, that some people tend to assume that they know every view you have, every idea you stand for and will blindly put a hand in your face and have an argument with this imaginary being they see you to be. This to me seems like crazy behaviour, I mean how on earth can you ever learn anything if you already think you know it all? Do they not wonder what a person really thinks, or want to understand how or why they think that? I'm finding that even if I ask questions and show interest I often just get sarcasm and anger instead of the explanations I wanted to hear.

Bottom line is: even if I disagree, I still want to understand why...."know your enemy" and all that...and who knows, if you end up understanding someone rather than assuming you do off the bat, you might even see where they're coming from and reach a middle ground....radical idea I know.
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An adult discourse, begins with listening and not assuming.

I am a very complex person and very often I see good things on both sides of a political concern or arguement. I think that what being an independent thinker does to you. And because I have some values that my opponent refuses to go past and simply sticks with the assumptions, their bias and the stereotyping, I can not continue an adult discussion with them. They only seem to care about their own needs and not the needs of all, and all sides.
They see the world as they have decided to see it, rather than how it is. As critical thinker myself, I know that things cannot be one extreme or the other, we need ideas from across the spectrum to make a functioning society...but some would have us argue and fight indefinitely...they don't want a solution, just to imagine that their views are the right ones.
That is exactly my perspective on people today. And those extremes get more volital everyday. I often fear a rest that is going to be tramatic in some way. All through my growing (am still growing) I envisioned a world that tried to solve problems, understanding that some cultures need to grow or go things, but would always be advancing so that all ideas and ideologies could find a harmony that allows human rights for all. I'm so disappointed that in my 62 years, I've actually seen this word become more divided and not united. 🙁The answers exist, but we won't see them if we remain so self absorbed, greedy and isolationistic. I saw a lot in the words "ask not what you can do for yourself" and I believe in individual responsibilities when a person can and should be responsible. And now I have to go be responsible :) have a great day!@Kuronekko:
@JoanieNewHampshire: Progress requires change, some people see change as the devil lol. Have a good day x
Yeah some people only seek confirmation of their views, rather than understanding an opposing one..
so frustrating to be judged as something you're not...the world is so black and white to some.
It's why I try to stay away from those posts... if you question something you get labeled as a Trumptard or a Libtard. Dude I'm not even American.

Then they tell me to stay out of things that don't apply to me lol
@UnicornSparkles: What they don't realise is that it applies to everyone, it affects the world, not just the US...and it's certainly affected social relations everywhere.
Lol why does that sound like a dig from you
Lol as much as I'd like to be its not 😂... your bottom line is you're diplomatic about it
@SavageDarkness: I don't see another way forward
It's all about empathy....

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