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I Have A Penpal

I have a Vietnamese penpal. We have exchanged emails for about a half year. I knew her in a woman's forum. She was active to contact me and ask for my email.

She is a very active girl. She is the only one who is easy to share and contact me. It is nice to read emails from an unknown person but sometimes I do not know how to react. Here are some annoying times:

1. After getting my email, she asked me about my facebook so I gave her. Do u think that she would add me ? No, she just wanted to see how I looked like, then sent me an email that made me surprised. " You are not beautiful. Your facial skin is not good either. It has a lot of scars". => I really do not know how to response her saying because I do not like to explain for any strangers. All of my friends know that I do not post any pics in my facebook. I just use facebook to keep in touch with some close friends and family. All of the pictures in my fb were tagged by them. I love all of those pictures although I was ugly in pictures. I love the way how true smile of family and friend have. She must zoom those pictures to check for any imperfect pots to ensure that I was not as beautiful as she was. I do not feel interested in explaining, so I just responded politely and changed the topics.

2. After telling her that I am Buddhism vegan, she responded me " What do you eat vegetables for while you use a lot of cosmetics? Many cosmetics were tested on mice and it is sins.". I really did not know how she could know that I used many kinds of cosmetic because I never shared this with her. I love cosmetics but I am not crazy to try all cosmetics that people recommend in the forums, although I can bookmark the information to review later. Once again, I do not know how to response her assumption

3. She has recently sent me an email that I do not know how to reply again. In her email, she wrote " I just got a new job. I know that you just study in a cheap college and you do not study well so you must be very difficult to find a job". I wonder how she could find information about where I study and my GPA because I have not shared my education about my life with her.

I know that she just uses me for valuing herself and as a topic to chat with her friend in Asia. I really feel appreciate her enthusiasm to keep in touch with a person who prefers sharing knowledge to daily life. Living in America is really an advantage for people to approach you.
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Or pals can be very enjoyable
I remember doing it many years ago before the internet . We use to write by hand 👍
It was long ago ,way before the internet was even tougher about. Lol. It started in schools ,we would write to friends all over the world ☺ @wildflower12
wildflower12 · 31-35, F
I think it is a great way to keep in touch. How often did you exchange email? once per two months? It is nice to see hand-writing and keep the letters after years.
Yes once a month as it took along time for mail delivery @wildflower12
would you like to be my penpal? I'll send you replies every weekend
wildflower12 · 31-35, F
@SW-User It is nice of you to write me very weekends. We can start in SW now. I am eager to hear about your daily life.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
I hope you don’t waste your time writing to this person anymore. She sounds horrible.
Bearserks · 31-35, M
@wildflower12 the price of having a kind soul. It’s very admirable. Wish I could tell you not to sacrifice your own feelings for others but you just aren’t built like that and it’s ok 🙂
wildflower12 · 31-35, F
@Bearserks My bad character
Bearserks · 31-35, M
You’re atrocious 😉@wildflower12
oh shit, she's not using you, she is HURTING you.
wildflower12 · 31-35, F
@SW-User You are right. It really hurts but also gives me smiles.

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